Friday, May 8, 2009

The Lamenter's Final Days are Coming

I was not too fond of Soth Care lina. (I spelt it like it sounds)The job went well I guess. It did not snow so no one was tempted to throw snowballs thus jeopardizing their employment. Every project that I am assigned to has it's own "history". Fort Mill, South Carolina was no different. As I have stated before our little band of gypsies is about as dysfunctional as you can possibly imagine. I could go on and on about all of the bizarre people I work with or have worked with. Frankly it is too draining for me to to do so. As you recall a few persons were "terminated" at our last project in Parker, Colorado. The firing of a couple of them were no great surprises. I have known for some time of my brother in law's displeasure with them. It was simply a matter of time for them anyway. I admit I enjoyed their company on our crazy travels, but I realize that things change. For the most part, the persons who continue to work at our company are pretty much boring and uninspiring. Yes, we still have the "Mouth" and the "Lamenter"with his girlfriend who needs something. We have "Junior" and "Rat Bastard". We have "Bub" , "BW", "Bammie", " Blinkie"and "Buda". We have "Tio", " T-Bone", "Troll" , "The Chief ", "Top Dollar", "Farmer" "Hippie Joe", "Mighty Mexican","Markie Mark", "A-Minn","Fonzo", "Squirrel", "Robin Whiney" ,"Lurch"and "Big Fatty". Gone are "Big Country","Little Dave","Rambo", "Crazy Chris", "Crazy Larry","Crew Slut", "Lazy Bitch","He-She", "Back Again Bill", "Boston Bob","Blalbert", "Jack Ass","Piglet", "Weird Jody", "Tasha","Fat Matt", "Throwed Off", "Uncle Red", "Mista Tee", "Crack Head", "Crack Whore", "The Bash Brothers", "Extreme", "Suckerfish" , "Cuuzan", "Skinny" , "Captian Space Cadet", "Little Mama", "Lewis the Liar", " Skeeter", "Tazer Boy", "Chisel", "Buzz Light Year", " Mimi Bennie", "Bam Bam", "Little George", "Four Hundred", "Wowbert", P.A., K.T., K.J., T.J and "D". Whew! I had a George Carlin moment.We have had thieves, child molestors, perverts, drug dealers, drug abusers, drunkards, liars, convicted felons, and assorted lesbians working for us. We come from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Washington, California, New Mexico, Texas, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ohio, Michigan, Alabama, Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arizona, and Oregon.

Employees come and go faster than my road roommate (Bub) looses lighters.

My specific tasks requires that I work alone and in multiple places within the job site most of the time. As a result, others only see a glimpse of me actually working. Conversely, in their limited mental capabilities, some tend to assume since they do not see me working then I must not be working. It is the same adage as the tree that falls in the middle of the forest with no one to hear it. But I am not ashamed of my job performance. I should be the best at what I do. I have done it longer than anyone else. As a rule, all of the persons I work with actually do work . At times they tend to work somewhat less than other times, but consistently they do. The Lamenter mentioned above, constantly mouths off how other employees do not work, yet when he complains he too is not working. Since I do move around a lot I do have the opportunity to witness him goofing off a lot. Be assured he complains a lot. He humors me so I would miss him if he where no longer working with us. But realistically, someone needs to "show him the door". He is a boil on our company's right butt cheek. He used to work for me on my team. What takes me 30 minutes to do will take him a minimum of 2 hours. Wait let me say he can also do it as quickly as me. He just takes 2 hours. One task requires no less than 5 minutes to complete. It always took him at least 30 minutes to do the same. The Mrs The Third used to work for our company as well. She was the office manger and had access to financial information. She completed payroll and signed our checks each week. I admire her because not once did she ever reveal to me what another employee makes in salary. Well that is except the Lamenter. He makes the same rate of pay as I do and I/we make more than most of our fellow employees. On behalf of my fellow employees I find that insulting and demoralizing.
One of my son in laws has returned to work for us. Some fellow employees are resentful that I used my influence to get him rehired along with two of his friends. The real truth of the matter is that I had absolutely nothing to do with his rehiring or his friends hiring. It is so funny what people tend to believe. The sad reality is that my in laws are very contemptuous of me. I feel that neither of them respect me and frankly I believe both of them will be quite content when I no longer am in their employ. I am tolerated only because I am married into the family. I feel the real reason for their feeling is because they know I see through all of their bullshit and I that I will not not kiss their asses. I pray for the day that they will be happy that I no longer work for them.

At our last job we were greeted with the strains of my brother in law informing a few of us of the proper way to wear a hard hat. We as construction workers, were required to sign an acknowledgment that we would refrain from any and all sorts of profanity while working. Our bosses then went on to demand professional work performances while they chastised us. Now I admit that it is their company and for that reason that can run it anyway they see fit. Personally I would think that if I wanted professional employees, I would look for that quality during the hiring process and not simply if the person is breathing. I would start by treating my employees as professionals and by doing so give them respect. I would would be treat my employess with contempt. A pat on the back or a simple "job well done" does wonders. If an employees truly stands out, a free meal or a shared beer would help too. I sure as hell would not give out my personal cell number for any swinging dick that works for me. For some reason our employers (my in laws) tend to believe the "first liar" and that negative reinforcement actually works. Well they are dead wrong. If either of them would eve get their megalomaniac heads out of their asses they would realize that fact as well.

You know I have finally learned something in all of my years. Some people will spend their entire life and probably enter the gates of Hell simply because of their pride. I sincerely hope and pray that my in laws wake up one day and realize that fact. As much as I dish out insults, I do care for their well being and success. They are family and that means something to me at least.

"You are doing a good job.........but you suck!"

The Third


  1. "Crew Slut". With a nickname like that, she must be a hot mess.

  2. I must say that as a co-worker i am disappointed that i am so unrememerable that i am unlisted. However since i have been previously mentioned in past blogs you are somewhat forgiven. "the Blue Whale."
