Sunday, May 17, 2009

Half Way There

On December 15th of last year, I pushed the "Publish Post" button thus reveling my very first blog. I entitled it "And So It Began". It was my intention to write about my life, past present, and , yes, future and to sprinkle some beer lore as I went. I think I have "sort of" done that. Two of my daughters, (The Prodigy and The Prodigal) tend to read my blogs pretty regularly. My youngest, The Rock Star Mentality, does on occasion. The Jim, one of my sons in law reads it as well as one of The Prodigy's friends. She (The Prodigy) informs me that several of her nursing school friends read my scribblings as well. A few of my co workers have read it and one in particular reads it pretty frequently. She is one of the few people in this world that I really enjoy drinking beer with. I have been blessed in my life to have some pretty good friends. I count her one of them. She reminded me that I left her out of my litany of nicknames in one of my previous blogs. Trust me. I did not really forget her even though it was I who nicknamed her the Blue Whale, I just do not feel it is appropriate to call her that. I mean she IS a woman and it would sound as if I was calling her fat or something. So from now on she will be referred to as "BW". (I am revising the blog referred to here and amending it to include her.) Mrs The Third has yet to read any of my blogs. I usually read portions of them to her and it usually pisses her off. She hates to be read to. She says that is why she will never read my blogs. I think she will one day. And If so LET ME SAY RIGHT NOW THAT I LOVE HER WITH ALL OF MY HEART.

I have a fourth daughter, the mother of my first grandchild (by about 36 hrs). She has not read my blogs either and I have yet to bestow her with a nickname. In my aforementioned litany she is referred to as "Piglet" but I do not really like that name for her. I am confident a name will arrive one day. Her mother, who prefers to be called Grand Maw, does not approve of me being called Big Cat Daddy by Kyleigh. Knowing my daughter as well as I think I do, I would think she would not approve either. But I have my "ways", and the little cutie WILL call me Big Cat. Anyway I learned that Kimmie will be receiving her Associates Degree in Accounting. She is very proud of her accomplishment. Frankly I tend not to sound as if I am, but inside I am jubilant. I admit it is essentially a two year milestone in college and the Bachelor's Degree is something she will still need to strive for. But it is a big deal for her. And big deals for my kids are always big deals for me. It may take her a while but I am certain that she will get the four year degree.

As my faithful readers (all 4 1/2 of them) know, my ramblings have opened up the prospect of things much more than a blog. I passed that threshold a while back. I am just trying to find that right moment to take things to the next level. I guess one would think that I must be slightly twisted and daft to think that I can simply waltz into a Reality Series. Honestly I see no way. That is the cool and crazy thing though. Stranger things have indeed happened and I think it is about time that the worm turns for me.

So bear with me a little longer and thanks for the past 6 months. I admit it is not a year and not like a real anniversary. But I am certain I will get there one day. Hell, I am at least half way there.

By the way, I really appreciate all of the comments that I have received. I hope that I receive many more.
Last week my daughter gave me an old Presario 6000. I hooked it up. Holy Shit was it slow. It took me approximately 3 days to finally get it to work reasonably well. I finally found nearly 17,000 porn vids and pics. They were hidden very well by one of my daughters' friends. That's right I said 17,000. Anyway I have eliminated them as well as some useless Compaq software and now the computer works pretty damn good. I plan on adding some memory to it next week after I return from my next job in San Antonio. Now I have two blogging machines. I could take this Sony Bad Mama Jama with me but I probably will not this time. We are only going to be gone for one week and I think I can survive that long with out internet access. Besides I need to spend my time searching for some real Pearl Beer (not Pearl Light).
Three X's for Texas
The Third

1 comment:

  1. I am thoroughly proud of you as your fellow blogger and as Sullivan's dad that you have been blogging for over a half a year...your blogs are awesome. Keep em' coming, Big Cat! (I can call you Big Cat, right?)
