Thursday, May 28, 2009

All Bugs Are Insects . . .

Well burning CDs seems to be addicting and like I said I really had a difficult time deleting various tracks. So I have come out with volume two and three.

Two is somewhat more subdued but still has a rock to it.

Three is more southern rock and roll and contains some longer tunes that seemed to be the norm back in the 70's.

I shall list the tracks of these two CD's in a future musing.

I read The Jim's comments and I tend to agree with his criticism somewhat.

Although they are not top on my list, I do like Queen. Believe it or not in England, they rank second only to the Beatles for the most popular music group of all time. If you are into the Highlander thing you have to like Who Wants to Live Forever. I am listening to it as I type this blog. I nearly added it a couple of times on the CDs. It just did not have that Rock Punch. It should be Adam Lambert's first single though.

And just to be fair, I am not a big Aerosmith fan. I included one of their tunes simply to round out the CD. When selecting the tunes I was thinking of my co workers/revelers and some of their favorites band. It boiled down between Aerosmith and Journey. I have stated before that I can not tolerate Journey, even if "The Dog" played for them at one time. The Aerosmith tune I picked was not really that big of a hit but it tends to rock pretty good even though it starts out as an acoustic song.

Ok, So here is my Thursday Tirade.

So why are they referred to as Gay's and Lesbians?

Aren't lesbians gay females? I freely admit that I am not attracted sexually to members of the same sex as I. As a Roman Catholic, I accept the Church's teaching that homosexuality is sinful and perverse. But I also accept the Church's teaching that we should love everyone and be able to forgive anyone. I am not convinced that persons are simply born gay. The idea that a man is inside a woman's body or vice a versa is something that I do not buy. I truly believe it is a copt out. I do however, believe that some people have more and some have less sexual drive than others. Hell, I love sex but to be honest, I do not think about it 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I hope that does not mean that I may swinging the other way. I have said it before, I would not mind being gay if I did not have to have sex with other dudes.

Now you may believe I am conflicted or undecided in this matter. Your observations are incorrect. Personally I feel that if persons prefers to be "close" to someone that is their natural right to do so. Futher, I believe it is none of my (or yours) business to judge.

I know people who are gay. I know they are and they make no secret of the fact. I do not discriminate my friendship or respect of them. They are as much God's children as I am.

But that brings up the concept of Gay Marriage. Have you ever heard the expression "separation of Church and State"?

Did you know that those words are not specifically used in our republic's constitution or any of its subsequent amendments? It is a theory. The State does not want the Church telling it what it should do and likewise the Church is not too thrilled of being controlled by the State. It is a happy compromise that from time to time is messed with. Good examples of what I mean by "messed" are crosses on government property that people want removed,or the word "God" being removed from our currency, or the removal of prayer in school. Now I seem to be sliding somewhat off track but let me right the sails. If you read the New Testament (you can choose any number of versions or translations) you will learn that the first of Jesus Christ's miracles was at a wedding. He changed water into wine. He did so at the insistence of his mother and depending how you interpret the passage, you tend to feel he may have been pressured into doing it and was not too happy with dear Mother Mary. He referred to her as "woman". Marriage is an institution that has been around obviously before Christ. I do not know exactly when the concept first started. Perhaps with Adam and Eve. Most scholars will agree that marriage was in reality, an affirmation of a bond sanctioned by both the public and a god. (note lower case).

When I was much younger, if two people lived together and if they were of the opposite sex, it was referred to as "shacking up". Well sorta. My cousin Mike attended the University of Arkansas. His parents, my aunt and uncle found this 15 acre home site in the Ozark Mountains not too far from Fayetteville. They purchased the house from a little 72 year old woman with the conditions of the sale, she be allowed to continue to live in the house. She cooked some of Mike's meals and washed his clothes. So I wonder if it could be could be said that Mike and the old lady were shacking up. Ha Ha Ha, I even referred to her as the old lady. Because Mike and the old lady lived under one roof for nearly four years, The State of Arkansas considered that they were "married" by "Common Law".

Now on the other hand if two guys roomed together or two women did the same, they were just roommates.

So by now this whole tirade is pretty convoluted.

So I will get to my point.......In summation (see I am getting to a conclusion) It is my belief that "civil unions" should be allowed . Insurance and succession issues (ie. inheritance and spousal benefits) would apply equally regardless or the couples gender or genders. Civil Unions would and should be as legally binding as what we state marriage is today. By definition they are the same as marriage. Each could refer to their "spouse" as husband wife or whatever term "floats their boats" These unions should be reciprocal from state to state just as our current marriages are. Once a "union" is made, then it can and should only be dissolved by a civil authority. On the other hand, the Church should dole out marriages.

To prove I am not hypocritical, The Mrs The Third and I were "wed" by a Justice of the Peace of Harris County Texas on June 28, 1989. Each of us had been "married" before. Both of those weddings were conducted in "a Church" Hers in some "heretic" Church and mine in a Catholic Church. Both of our previous marriages were "legally" ended by a Divorce Decree issued by a State of Texas, County of Harris Court. It took over five years before the Catholic Church "annulled "our previous marriages. For my non Catholic readers the process of annulment essentially determines if there was really a "marriage" or a civil union. Within a week of receiving the annulment decree the Mrs The Third and I were "married" in the Catholic Church on February 10 1995.

But if you ask, we did not celebrate our fourteenth anniversary a few months ago. We will celebrate twenty years of wedded bliss one month from today. Since we were wed our respective former spouses have each been married 3 separate times. Or should I say they have each had 3 civil unions.
But my Thursday Tirade would not be complete if I did not admit I am not too hip about "flamers" or "dykes".

John 2: 3-5

The Third

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Pink Floyd ?

Last week while working in San Antonio, several of us gathered outside one evening. As we sat around with our ice chests full of beer, The Squirrel opened the doors of his truck and played a CD. I loved it. It was a live recording of AC/DC. The music sounded great even through his P.O.S. speakers.

Life should have a continuing soundtrack.

I like many types of music but as a musician myself, I tend to prefer live music the best. While growing up in Shrevesville, I attended many concerts. I have been to a couple of outdoor concerts as well. I am working on a blog to detail some of those.

One of my pastimes is to create compilation cds. I usually give them away. This time I put one together I am particularly proud of. It is kick ass rock and roll.

I chose each track carefully. Each one is a classic and each one will get your toes tapping. It is the perfect CD for setting around and drinking beer and raising hell. I know one could contest me as to the merits of other tunes that should have been added here. The fact is the CD is limited to 79 minutes so I had to make some "hard" and difficult choices. Several tracts were added and later removed until I found the perfect ones. I even had to delete a couple of Roger Waters/David Gilmour tunes. There are a total of 13 tracks and only one of them is not a live recording. Most recordings were made at least 20 years ago.

I am listing the tracks, artists and the albums they came from, in this blog. If any of my faithful readers wants me to burn them one, all you need to do is ask for one by writing it on a hundred dollar bill and sending it to the Brew Chronicles. Or I guess you could just ask me for one. But if I do give you one you have to play it loud and proud.

Footstompin Music - - Grand Funk Railroad -30 Years of Funk

Paranoid - - Ozzy Osbourne - Live & Loud

Whole Lotta Rosie - - AC/DC - AC/DC Live

Bring It On Home - - Led Zeppelin - The Way The West Was Won

Highway Star - - Deep Purple - Made in Japan

Sultans of Swing -- Dire Straits - Alchemy

Mississippi Queen - - Mountian - Live: King Biscuit Flower Hour

Tom Sawyer -- Rush - Different Stages

American Girl - - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Pack Up the Plantation

Magic Bus -- The Who - Live at Leeds

Gimme Three Steps - - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gold and Platinum

We Are the Champions - - Queen - Live at Wembley

Livin on the Edge - - Aerosmith - Nine Lives

If it is too loud then you are too old!

Rock On!!!!

The Third

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Half Way There

On December 15th of last year, I pushed the "Publish Post" button thus reveling my very first blog. I entitled it "And So It Began". It was my intention to write about my life, past present, and , yes, future and to sprinkle some beer lore as I went. I think I have "sort of" done that. Two of my daughters, (The Prodigy and The Prodigal) tend to read my blogs pretty regularly. My youngest, The Rock Star Mentality, does on occasion. The Jim, one of my sons in law reads it as well as one of The Prodigy's friends. She (The Prodigy) informs me that several of her nursing school friends read my scribblings as well. A few of my co workers have read it and one in particular reads it pretty frequently. She is one of the few people in this world that I really enjoy drinking beer with. I have been blessed in my life to have some pretty good friends. I count her one of them. She reminded me that I left her out of my litany of nicknames in one of my previous blogs. Trust me. I did not really forget her even though it was I who nicknamed her the Blue Whale, I just do not feel it is appropriate to call her that. I mean she IS a woman and it would sound as if I was calling her fat or something. So from now on she will be referred to as "BW". (I am revising the blog referred to here and amending it to include her.) Mrs The Third has yet to read any of my blogs. I usually read portions of them to her and it usually pisses her off. She hates to be read to. She says that is why she will never read my blogs. I think she will one day. And If so LET ME SAY RIGHT NOW THAT I LOVE HER WITH ALL OF MY HEART.

I have a fourth daughter, the mother of my first grandchild (by about 36 hrs). She has not read my blogs either and I have yet to bestow her with a nickname. In my aforementioned litany she is referred to as "Piglet" but I do not really like that name for her. I am confident a name will arrive one day. Her mother, who prefers to be called Grand Maw, does not approve of me being called Big Cat Daddy by Kyleigh. Knowing my daughter as well as I think I do, I would think she would not approve either. But I have my "ways", and the little cutie WILL call me Big Cat. Anyway I learned that Kimmie will be receiving her Associates Degree in Accounting. She is very proud of her accomplishment. Frankly I tend not to sound as if I am, but inside I am jubilant. I admit it is essentially a two year milestone in college and the Bachelor's Degree is something she will still need to strive for. But it is a big deal for her. And big deals for my kids are always big deals for me. It may take her a while but I am certain that she will get the four year degree.

As my faithful readers (all 4 1/2 of them) know, my ramblings have opened up the prospect of things much more than a blog. I passed that threshold a while back. I am just trying to find that right moment to take things to the next level. I guess one would think that I must be slightly twisted and daft to think that I can simply waltz into a Reality Series. Honestly I see no way. That is the cool and crazy thing though. Stranger things have indeed happened and I think it is about time that the worm turns for me.

So bear with me a little longer and thanks for the past 6 months. I admit it is not a year and not like a real anniversary. But I am certain I will get there one day. Hell, I am at least half way there.

By the way, I really appreciate all of the comments that I have received. I hope that I receive many more.
Last week my daughter gave me an old Presario 6000. I hooked it up. Holy Shit was it slow. It took me approximately 3 days to finally get it to work reasonably well. I finally found nearly 17,000 porn vids and pics. They were hidden very well by one of my daughters' friends. That's right I said 17,000. Anyway I have eliminated them as well as some useless Compaq software and now the computer works pretty damn good. I plan on adding some memory to it next week after I return from my next job in San Antonio. Now I have two blogging machines. I could take this Sony Bad Mama Jama with me but I probably will not this time. We are only going to be gone for one week and I think I can survive that long with out internet access. Besides I need to spend my time searching for some real Pearl Beer (not Pearl Light).
Three X's for Texas
The Third

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Return Back to Beer

Now I realize that I have been accused of being long winded and that I tend to go on and on.. Those accusations are sadly true. I also realize that I have ventured way off the path of a beer blog. I have expounded about multiple things including my current employment and of course my new grand parentage. This blog is my attempt to "right" the sails and get back on course. Yes it is lengthy and true to my distorted rambling style.. But I challenge you to read on any way. Oh one other thing. I realize that some people read this blog in passing and others read it pretty regularly. I would ask that you add yourself as followers of my blog. Why you may ask? Well ,mostly for my ego (at least I am honest) but also to show the networks when I make my pitch to be a star. Ok, on with the show...........

Adolph Kuhrs was born in Prussia on February 4, 1847. Adolph was apprenticed for a three year period at a brewery in Dortmund. He was charged a fee for his apprenticeship, so he worked as a bookkeeper to pay for it. After his father died, Adolph completed his apprenticeship and continued to work as a paid employee at the Wenker Brewery until May 1867. He then worked at various breweries in Germany. Early in 1868, he immigrated to the United States. His name was changed from "Kuhrs" to "Coors". He became foreman of a brewery in Naperville, Illinois. He resigned from his position at the brewery and relocated to Denver, Colorado. He worked in Denver as a gardener for a month, then he purchased a partnership in a brewing and bottling firm located in nearby Golden Colorado. In the same year he bought and assumed control of the entire business and renamed it Golden Brewing Company.

Friedrich Eduard Johannes Müller was born in 1824 in Riedlingen, Germany. In 1854 he moved to the United States and settled in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He founded the Plank Road Brewery in 1855 and later changed his name to Miller and the name of his company to the Miller Brewing Company

Adolfus Busch was born in 1839 in Belgium. In 1857 with three of his brothers, he relocated to St. Louis, Missouri. His first job in St. Louis was working as a clerk in the commission house.
He became acquainted and eventually married Lilly Anheuser, (the sister of his brother's wife) whose parents had a small brewery which her father acquired in 1860, renaming it the Bavarian Brewery. Busch eventually purchased a share in the Bavarian brewery from his father-in-law. The company was first called E. Anheuser Brewery and then "Anheuser and Company", but at the death of Eberhard Anheuser in 1880, it was changed to "Anheuser Busch Company".
Frederick Pabst

"Papa Joe" Griesedieck

Theodore Hamm

Gottlieb Heileman

Otto Koehler

David G. Jüngling

Kosmos Spoetzel

John Molsen

Joseph Schiltz

The men mentioned above are pioneers in American Beer History. Their names are associated with their products. Beer is their legacy. They came to a new country and brought with them the skills and desires. They took beer, a beverage generally associated with Western European immigrants and turned it into what it is today.

But here are the real facts. These facts are what I shall base my entire Reality Series on.

1. Beer sales in America have not increased or decreased significantly in nearly 4 decades.

2. Beer sales in America reveal that imported beers account for approximately 11 percent of the annual total sales. Craft Beer or beer that is not imported and not made by either Miller Coors or AB-InBev constitutes only 4 percent of the market and the remaining 85 percent is sold by the later.

3. The Big Three or should I say the Big Two* now are tremendously proprietary and use every tool they have to deter small independent breweries. They also produce beers under labels with the sole purpose of entering into the craft beer market. AB-InBev has amped up Michelob and they own or own a huge interest in several microbreweries such as Goose Island ( I especially like their 312 Wheat Beer); Red Hook; Widmer Brothers Brewery and Margaritaville Brewing which produces Land Shark. Miller owns Linekugel and Coors makes Blue Moon White Ale. That is just scratching the surface.

SAB Miller and Molsen Coors has entered into an agreement in the United States where the two companies will join together as one company MillerCoors, to brew their various beers at their multiple sites. This is done to be more competitive with AB-InBev. Let me say here that we are talking about Billions of dollars in annual sales. That's right I said billions. These two mega giants are going at each other like boys from the old neighborhood. The Craft Brewers are happy for what they get. They all seem to get along and all tend to support each other.

The top ten (In terms of annual sales) Craft Brewer in America are :

Boston Beer Co.

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

New Belgium Brewing Co.

Spoetzel Brewing

Pyramid Breweries Inc.

Deschutes Brewery

Matt Brewing Co.

Boulevard Brewing Co.

Full Sail Brewing Co.

Magic Hat Brewing Co.

Now new terms are popping up lately. Beer Geek,, Beer Nerd or Beer Snob. I must admit I sort of fit in each of those categories to a certain level. Personally I would much prefer to be called a Beer Stud. I guess I can probably tell you the difference between an IPA and a wheat beer. Actually I could probably do a little better than that. I want to get to the underbelly of ThingsBeer and bring it to light. I am sure the big dogs will not be too happy with my venture. But I am there to hail them as well.

There was this guy at a bar and was bragging that he could blind taste any beer and could tell what brand it was. He had the bartender line up ten different beers and sure enough he got each one right. There were these three rednecks at the bar and upon his feat they handed him a full glass. He took a swig of it contents and quickly spit it out. Holy Shit! Thats piss! The rednecks laughed and said Hell we know that ....But whose?

As I mentioned above, currently in America, there are thee huge producers and sellers of beer. Anhauser Bush now owned by AB-InBev, Miller owned by SAB and Coor's owned by Molson's. The beer they produce is what I consider "acceptable". Let me explain. There is no question that the products that they offer are tasty and refreshing. But then again what they produce is what I grew up drinking. It is what I have to (because it is imbedded into my soul) believe is beer. So let me stop here and drop back to August of 1969. No wait, let me then go to this past weekend. This past weekend was Mother's day weekend. Two of my daughters and one of my son in laws came and visited us. They got here mid afternoon on Saturday. They came bearing gifts (and yes a finger/thumb was cut......mine) Mrs. The Third got a set of knives. We all went to eat BBQ and then we went to our fav pub O Brien's. The Prodigy, The Rock Star Mentality and The Mrs The Third went up stairs to play pool. The Jim , the Prodigy and I stayed down stairs and played electronic trivia. The Jim pretty much beat the living shit out of both of us but I must admit I got my licks in and won a few parlays. I even won the last one which is a good thing. One of the the questions on the trivia game was about Jimi Hendrix. I made a comment I had seen him two times. Once in Shreveport and once at Woodstock. "Daddy you went to Woodstock? You never told me that." "Well yes I did actually. With my cousin Mike. You know? He is the one born on the planet Uranus" I know I told her before but I guess she forgot. Yes I did go to one of the top 50 historical events of music history. Ok I will chat more about my days in the wet farmland of New York. But it was in the summer of 1969 (No I am not referring to the song by Byran Adams.) when I returned to find in our living room a Magnovox 28" color TV. It was wonderful. It made telivision so real and natural. I mean it was not the first time I had seen color tv. Our neighbors the Hawkins had a color tv for years and we used to go next door and eat steaks and watch Hogans Heros and the Man from Uncle on Friday nights. But now we had our own TV and it was in color. Shit! it wa TV like it should be. But TV like beer was sort of what I grew up with. Color really added a lot to it. It added something I never even realized I missed. I now have a fancy widescreen high definition TV and it is light years ahead of what we had back in the summer of 69 . Watching High Def TV reminds me that good beer should be "good".

Now I finish this blog and as I read it to proof read it I too much say. Holy shit!

But I think I have embedded an underlying theme and mantra of the direction of my show. Yes, sadly you just may have to re read it to find it but it is there. Trust me.

Is anybody going to San Antone?

The Third

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Tirade - Joan, Melissa & The Judges

I know it is late. Actually it is a little after 11 pm here. I realized my Thursday rant was due so here it is. As I have stated, I really do plan on becoming a reality television personality. As much as I do not like reality TV, I will sell my soul to earn a decent living being a star.

The Mrs. The Third began watching the Celebrity Apprentice this year. Ok, I guess I did too. Most of the celebrities did not impress me. No, let me say none of them did actually. But my rant is only about two of them. Joan and Melissa Rivers are a fucking joke and insult to the viewing public. Both of their behaviors were despicable. I personaly believe that neither of them contribute anything to society and therefore are useless. If I had been the Donald I would have shit canned them so fast Joan's face lifts would have drooped to the floor. I realize the world is not all cream cheese and that sometimes you have to get and waller in the shit. But these two took it to a whole different level. I could give a shit about the poker player either. Hell I never heard of her. But for Joan to be declared the winner guaranteed I shall never watch that show again. The site of Joan or Melissa Rivers turns my stomach. I hope one day after I become famous, one or both of them attempt to interview me on the red carpet. Perhaps then I can truly "rant". I bet if the other finalist had been a NASCAR driver the American people would have never put up with it.
Speaking of reality shows. I must say that I probably watched my last American Idol last night as well. Now you might think it is because it is that Danny did not make the finals. Personally he was becoming pretty predictable and even though I think he is pretty cool, and a great singer, I think that the American Public (or at least those who called in) pretty much got it right. Personally I predict Danny will be a big Christian Music star. Adam may be gay as hell but that does not mean anything to me either. I am just so tired of the judges getting on their knees and wanting to blow him. Three weeks ago he was in the bottom two and nearly was booted off the show. The following week the judges praised him so much I was beginning to look for the nail marks on his hands.
And that is the way I feel
The Third

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Lamenter's Final Days are Coming

I was not too fond of Soth Care lina. (I spelt it like it sounds)The job went well I guess. It did not snow so no one was tempted to throw snowballs thus jeopardizing their employment. Every project that I am assigned to has it's own "history". Fort Mill, South Carolina was no different. As I have stated before our little band of gypsies is about as dysfunctional as you can possibly imagine. I could go on and on about all of the bizarre people I work with or have worked with. Frankly it is too draining for me to to do so. As you recall a few persons were "terminated" at our last project in Parker, Colorado. The firing of a couple of them were no great surprises. I have known for some time of my brother in law's displeasure with them. It was simply a matter of time for them anyway. I admit I enjoyed their company on our crazy travels, but I realize that things change. For the most part, the persons who continue to work at our company are pretty much boring and uninspiring. Yes, we still have the "Mouth" and the "Lamenter"with his girlfriend who needs something. We have "Junior" and "Rat Bastard". We have "Bub" , "BW", "Bammie", " Blinkie"and "Buda". We have "Tio", " T-Bone", "Troll" , "The Chief ", "Top Dollar", "Farmer" "Hippie Joe", "Mighty Mexican","Markie Mark", "A-Minn","Fonzo", "Squirrel", "Robin Whiney" ,"Lurch"and "Big Fatty". Gone are "Big Country","Little Dave","Rambo", "Crazy Chris", "Crazy Larry","Crew Slut", "Lazy Bitch","He-She", "Back Again Bill", "Boston Bob","Blalbert", "Jack Ass","Piglet", "Weird Jody", "Tasha","Fat Matt", "Throwed Off", "Uncle Red", "Mista Tee", "Crack Head", "Crack Whore", "The Bash Brothers", "Extreme", "Suckerfish" , "Cuuzan", "Skinny" , "Captian Space Cadet", "Little Mama", "Lewis the Liar", " Skeeter", "Tazer Boy", "Chisel", "Buzz Light Year", " Mimi Bennie", "Bam Bam", "Little George", "Four Hundred", "Wowbert", P.A., K.T., K.J., T.J and "D". Whew! I had a George Carlin moment.We have had thieves, child molestors, perverts, drug dealers, drug abusers, drunkards, liars, convicted felons, and assorted lesbians working for us. We come from Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Washington, California, New Mexico, Texas, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ohio, Michigan, Alabama, Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arizona, and Oregon.

Employees come and go faster than my road roommate (Bub) looses lighters.

My specific tasks requires that I work alone and in multiple places within the job site most of the time. As a result, others only see a glimpse of me actually working. Conversely, in their limited mental capabilities, some tend to assume since they do not see me working then I must not be working. It is the same adage as the tree that falls in the middle of the forest with no one to hear it. But I am not ashamed of my job performance. I should be the best at what I do. I have done it longer than anyone else. As a rule, all of the persons I work with actually do work . At times they tend to work somewhat less than other times, but consistently they do. The Lamenter mentioned above, constantly mouths off how other employees do not work, yet when he complains he too is not working. Since I do move around a lot I do have the opportunity to witness him goofing off a lot. Be assured he complains a lot. He humors me so I would miss him if he where no longer working with us. But realistically, someone needs to "show him the door". He is a boil on our company's right butt cheek. He used to work for me on my team. What takes me 30 minutes to do will take him a minimum of 2 hours. Wait let me say he can also do it as quickly as me. He just takes 2 hours. One task requires no less than 5 minutes to complete. It always took him at least 30 minutes to do the same. The Mrs The Third used to work for our company as well. She was the office manger and had access to financial information. She completed payroll and signed our checks each week. I admire her because not once did she ever reveal to me what another employee makes in salary. Well that is except the Lamenter. He makes the same rate of pay as I do and I/we make more than most of our fellow employees. On behalf of my fellow employees I find that insulting and demoralizing.
One of my son in laws has returned to work for us. Some fellow employees are resentful that I used my influence to get him rehired along with two of his friends. The real truth of the matter is that I had absolutely nothing to do with his rehiring or his friends hiring. It is so funny what people tend to believe. The sad reality is that my in laws are very contemptuous of me. I feel that neither of them respect me and frankly I believe both of them will be quite content when I no longer am in their employ. I am tolerated only because I am married into the family. I feel the real reason for their feeling is because they know I see through all of their bullshit and I that I will not not kiss their asses. I pray for the day that they will be happy that I no longer work for them.

At our last job we were greeted with the strains of my brother in law informing a few of us of the proper way to wear a hard hat. We as construction workers, were required to sign an acknowledgment that we would refrain from any and all sorts of profanity while working. Our bosses then went on to demand professional work performances while they chastised us. Now I admit that it is their company and for that reason that can run it anyway they see fit. Personally I would think that if I wanted professional employees, I would look for that quality during the hiring process and not simply if the person is breathing. I would start by treating my employees as professionals and by doing so give them respect. I would would be treat my employess with contempt. A pat on the back or a simple "job well done" does wonders. If an employees truly stands out, a free meal or a shared beer would help too. I sure as hell would not give out my personal cell number for any swinging dick that works for me. For some reason our employers (my in laws) tend to believe the "first liar" and that negative reinforcement actually works. Well they are dead wrong. If either of them would eve get their megalomaniac heads out of their asses they would realize that fact as well.

You know I have finally learned something in all of my years. Some people will spend their entire life and probably enter the gates of Hell simply because of their pride. I sincerely hope and pray that my in laws wake up one day and realize that fact. As much as I dish out insults, I do care for their well being and success. They are family and that means something to me at least.

"You are doing a good job.........but you suck!"

The Third

Thursday, May 7, 2009

He Said She Said

I laid in bed last night and the Mrs. The Third had one of her recorded shows on. Little People Big World was showing an episode where they were selling pumpkins. What got my attention was a new show (The Little Couple) being touted. Son of a Bitch! Another show starring little people. So I think it is time I need to put the Brew Chronicles into high gear. But I saw that reality stars do have pit falls too. It seems the Hulk and his bride are splitting the sheets and if you recall Jessica Simpson used to be married to a guy and they had a reality show too. That is until they split up. Now I read the guy with a wife a set of twins and a set of sextuplets, has a female friend (I repeat a friend. Not necessarily a lover.) and that their marriage (and TV show) is on the rocks. I have and had several female friends and I assure you that non of them are or ever have been my lover. Some were pretty hot too.
Why is it that people aways assume the tawdry worst of people? I tell you why. the same reason that sex is the number one word used in search engines. I used to work at a company for fifteen years. While there I worked with a woman by the name of Marty. Personally I did not really care for her. She was a braggart and frankly not that good of an employee. But somehow the Mrs. Da Third (the first one) thought that Marty and I had a thang going on. My wife would tell anyone who listened that she was confident that I was having an affair with Marty. If the truth be known and after going on 25 years of post divorce, she still thinks I am guilty. Well I will confess. No I won't. OK I will. Marty and I used to be beer drinking buddies. We (along with other fellow employees), would go to a local pub and tip a few after work. I used to go with a guy named Ralph also. My wife never accused me of having an affair with him. At least she did not think that I was gay. Other than that there is nothing to confess. But you see that is the problem and that is my Thursday Tirade. A man and a woman can be actual friends. Jealous people are insecure people and I despise such. Sensationalism in our society is nothing less than abusive. Personally I think the Jon guy is somewhat of a jerk and and his wife is pretty hot considering she popped out eight kids. If he is doing the no pants dance with someone then it is between him and his bride and not the American public. If a man or a woman is going to "cheat" then they will. It is that simple. But not everyone should be "assumed" guilty. Yes I do want to be a reality T.V. star and I do realize it is the price you have to pay for fame. I can sure bitch about it. After all it is Tirade Thursday. Hell Kate can be on my show anytime she wants. Oh shit then I guess it will be reported she is having revenge reality whatever.
But that aside I should not let that deter me from being a reality T.V. star. Besides at my age it is a compliment to be accused of such behavior.
And that is how I feel,
The Third

Sunday, May 3, 2009


On September 11, 1976. when my first and oldest daughter (The Prodigy) was born, my life changed substantially. When she got old enough to walk and talk we attempted to instill into her certain virtues and practices etc. As a child growing up I was taught to always refer to my elders with the utmost of respect. I was required to say yes sir and no sir to anyone remotely appearing as an adult. I am 57 years old now and I still do it. As much as the first Mrs Da Third and I tried, we could not get the Prodigy to do as both of us had been raised. It was yeah and no and we would go as far as punishing her but it still did not work. I spoke to Odessa, (my mother) and lamented. I had hoped she would give me the wisdom to teach my child but instead she berated me. "Things change Tommy" she said. It is a different age and we must learn to live with it. Bullshit I replied. But she just smiled and told me not to curse in front of my mother and told me to adapt.

I have been writing blogs now for six months. that does not make me an expert or even a novice for that matter. But I beg the perseverance of my readers for this posting. It is something I must do. I promise to start working on my reality show but this must be done first.

As I was traveling to Maryland last December I learned that my youngest child was pregnant. She was nearly 19 years at the time and unmarried. The way I learned hurt the most. The Prodigy called me after reading The Rock Star Mentality's my space page. The Rock Star Mentality did not tell me directly. I had to learn along with everyone else reading the Internet. I am her father yet she chose to share this information for the world to read. I was stunned and insulted. Yet she seemingly saw nothing truly wrong. Frankly I do not think she does now either. Like her name sake told me a long time ago, things change so I should adapt. I still say bullshit.

I have to the best my ability for the past several months, attempted not to say or do anything that would upset the fragile egg shell existence between me and The Rock Star Mentality. Essentially I have ignored her and had as little interaction with her as possible. I am not sure she is mentally capable of comprehending that I miss her terribly. Hell, I am not sure she really cares if I miss her or not. My wife tells me it is because she is exactly like me. If that is true then I am much larger prick than I thought I was. But now after pounding my head against the wall one more time, I am beginning to feel that I had best stop being so stubborn and do as my mother said so many years ago. Perhaps by my example, others may follow. Perhaps even RSM.

As much as I am insulted and wounded by The Rock Star Mentality, I have to say I do admire her independence. That is a good virtue at least up to a point. She occasionally reads this blog and usually give me a candid statement about it. Well if she is reading this I hope she really reads what I am about to say. Are you ready? Wait for it..........

The seventeenth century English poet, John Donne penned in his famous prose Devotions upon Emergent Occasions the following:

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."
I hope one day she understands what that means. STOP Read the quote again. In fact, read it till it really sinks in.

So, in about a period of 36 hours I became a grandfather a second time Levi Rafe was born Friday May 1 at about 8:30 AM. My youngest chose to offer her child for an open adoption. She has found a good and loving couple who will nurture The Little Man and provide him a good life. I am not sure how much I will interact with my new grandchild. In whatever way I do, I suppose I will have to adapt. He is the closest male living relative I have since my father died nearly 10 years ago. As I held him today before handing him to the person who will be raising him I whispered to him. "Little Man, Big Cat loves you.". If his new family needs me to "man him up" I will happy to do so.

So I suppose Odessa (both of them) are right "Things change" . I will adapt. But under my breath I sigh bullshit!

Yours very truly

Big Cat Daddy (The Third)