Saturday, February 27, 2010

Religion, Politics, Haaaa Poon and Facebook Farming

As I was setting at the newly refurbished bar at my neighborhood pub last evening, the topic had moved to subject of politics and religion. Each of us were careful not to incite. I tried to be tolerant with the others' obvious ignorance. I even coincided a few points. We all mutually agreed to cease the conversations. Then all of a sudden one of the other patrons asked a few of the others I was talking to, if they had visited his farm lately. He then proudly announced that he had recently built a cabin on his farm. Their banter crossed me for a few minutes when I realized that there was really no actual farm. "Oh my God! Are you talking about Facebook Farm?" "Oh yes," one of them replied. "I visit my farm every day." That remark was surreal. At least it was to me.

On a related subject I finally got to taste a New Belgium Ranger IPA. It was very very good.

I then had a Harpoon (pronounced Haaa Pooooon) Celtic Ale. Damn it was amazing. I like all of Harpoon's offereings with the exception of their UFO, which is on tap at O'Briens.
Back to farming......
The Third

1 comment:

  1. I just started the craze b/c Ann and Kimmie keep telling me how much fun it is... to be honest I don't know what the heck I am doing. Anyway thought I would show your page some love:)
