Monday, April 5, 2010

Stages, Phases or Transitions ?

In the early Spring of 1969, I was setting in the bedroom of Steve Thweatt, my future college roommate at LSU. He handed me the album cover of a new record that he had recently purchased. As I looked at the artwork he placed the stylus on the first track of side one of the album and staccato beat of an electric guitar filled the room. ....."In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man, Now I've reached that age, I've tried to do all those things the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way into the same old jam. *Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share"

We lived in a small town just north of Houston, Texas. We attended a small Catholic Church and I was pretty involved in a lot of it's activities. To this day, some of my proudest and fondest memories come from that stage in my life. We became closely connected to a lot of our fellow parishioners and still remain friends with a lot of them albeit we rarely speak to or see them. Through the years we noticed that our parish was having some problems with leadership. Our pastor and deacon were both unceremoniously dumped and we found ourselves with a new guy. The parish had splintered in to various factions and frankly it was rapidly getting worse. One grey Sunday morning "Father Mickey" stood before the divided congregation and gave his first homily as the new "administrator" of the parish. I do not remember much from that sermon except his closing words. His words are embedded into my very soul. "The best is yet to come."


My last post was not intended to besmirch my last employer. Nor was it some sort of lament of someone who was grieving for days gone by. I was only trying to put closure on the matter.

This past Saturday and Sunday I had the chance to visit with my friend Roger, (Bub). He is from The Amish Country in Pa. and is the person I have "roomed" with mostly in my tenure with my last and most recent employer. He remains in their employ. I consider this man one of the best friends I have ever had. It was either while drinking a cold beer at a local pub or setting out on the party patio that we both realized that although we would always be friends, we probably will see a lot less of each other in the future. I even accepted that it could well be the last time actually, but as I shook my friends hand yesterday and drove away from his motel I actually had a feeling of tranquility. Bub and I had always kept everything on the table. That is what is good about a real friend.

I find myself looking back at my life's experience from time to time. I tend to classify certain points of my life as either stages, phases or transitions. I am attempting to decide what the last five years has been.

Now over 10 years later Fred's words are ringing in my ear. I have let myself slide into a feeling that I was reaching my December years and that I would have to face that fact. I have moved to a new town and I have allowed myself to just "get along" .... but you know, there still is a spark within me and an inner voice and it is saying "horseshit"

Yes I have had good times and bad times and I know I face an uncertain future. We all do.

It is a future I am looking forward to.

(It is Monday April 5, 2010 and I have just finished writing this blog. I went outside to feed Latifah and I sat on the party patio and looked into my yard. In my rose bed I saw the first bloom of the year) Below is a pic of what I saw.

The best is yet to come.......................

The Third

Post Script:

I rarely do this on my blog but I feel compelled to now.

Thank you J.R. for reminding me that the best wisdom and inspiration still comes from God. Thank you Tami for calling me a "great writer". I must admit my very favorite writer is Paul of Tarsus. I would like to think that if he were alive today, his epistles would be called blogs and be a lot like mine.

Now if only more people would realize what a fascinating "read" I can be.

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