Wednesday, April 21, 2010

153 Fish

What seems like so long ago, I taught religious education to the youth of the church we were attending. Over time, I too would attend seminars and lessons taught by persons authorized and certified to teach accurately our particular faith. After a while, I too became certified. I mention this not as some sort of boast or statement of authority but rather to qualify that I at least know something about my religion.

This past weekend, the Mrs The Third and I traveled back to our former home town and among other things (which will be detail in future blogs), attended Mass. The homilist was none other that Daniel Cardinal Dinardo. He is a "Prince of the Church" and happens to be the guy who actually certified me. His sermon was a good one. The "Gospel" of the day ( John 6: 16-21) told the story about Jesus standing on the shore and instructing the fishermen, who had been unsuccessful , to cast their nets another time. One of the "characters" in the story is one of my favorites. Thomas or Didymus. Cardinal Dinardo mentioned that Thomas meant "Twin" and that he could relate to that since he too was a twin.

Now I am not going on some religious diatribe here. But as the fishermen approached the shore and saw this guy standing there, none of them recognized him. then one of them, John said (and I paraphrase) Whoa! Do you realize WHO that is?

Now you may ask why this blog is sounding like a sermon. Well it is not intended to. It is an allegory. My continuing theme is my journey to find my way. I am in a point in my life that could be a considered a transition. I would like to think that it is, at least. I am finding myself looking more and more at my past with melancholy and rarely looking towards the future with hope and joy. I know I should realize that my future 'holds" far more than I could imagine. I just need to open my eyes and see it. My past life has been but a preamble of today and tommorrow. I just have to focus on it and have that "Whoa !" moment.


The Third

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