Wednesday, April 21, 2010

153 Fish

What seems like so long ago, I taught religious education to the youth of the church we were attending. Over time, I too would attend seminars and lessons taught by persons authorized and certified to teach accurately our particular faith. After a while, I too became certified. I mention this not as some sort of boast or statement of authority but rather to qualify that I at least know something about my religion.

This past weekend, the Mrs The Third and I traveled back to our former home town and among other things (which will be detail in future blogs), attended Mass. The homilist was none other that Daniel Cardinal Dinardo. He is a "Prince of the Church" and happens to be the guy who actually certified me. His sermon was a good one. The "Gospel" of the day ( John 6: 16-21) told the story about Jesus standing on the shore and instructing the fishermen, who had been unsuccessful , to cast their nets another time. One of the "characters" in the story is one of my favorites. Thomas or Didymus. Cardinal Dinardo mentioned that Thomas meant "Twin" and that he could relate to that since he too was a twin.

Now I am not going on some religious diatribe here. But as the fishermen approached the shore and saw this guy standing there, none of them recognized him. then one of them, John said (and I paraphrase) Whoa! Do you realize WHO that is?

Now you may ask why this blog is sounding like a sermon. Well it is not intended to. It is an allegory. My continuing theme is my journey to find my way. I am in a point in my life that could be a considered a transition. I would like to think that it is, at least. I am finding myself looking more and more at my past with melancholy and rarely looking towards the future with hope and joy. I know I should realize that my future 'holds" far more than I could imagine. I just need to open my eyes and see it. My past life has been but a preamble of today and tommorrow. I just have to focus on it and have that "Whoa !" moment.


The Third

Monday, April 12, 2010

"A Hole in Your Soul Where the Wind Blows Through"

I have always liked music. It stirs my very being. I know it is "common" to say such a thing but I still say it. My music taste is pretty diverse. My moods obviously tend to be influenced by music. I find most forms of music enjoyable though some have little of my attention. "Ghetto Music" and "Middle Eastern Folk" are not real high on my list.

I spend some of my time collecting music via downloads and other means. I like to assemble music onto CDs and the memory card in my phone. If one were to shuffle the music from the music player on my phone (Droid) you may get a blues songs by Lee Bryan followed by a song by the Ting Tings then a diddy by the Greencards followed by a Tom Petty tune and then perhaps songs by Dale Watson, Bob Dylan or The Bodeans. If you try it a second time it may start with Princes of the Universe by Queen followed by I'll be Around by the Spinners and then perhaps Malignant Narcissism (Live) by Rush.

Of all of the places I have ever lived, I have spent more time setting outside enjoying my backyard. It is still infested with Bamboo and we have very little grass that is actually growing, (see picture) but our secret garden is still magnificent. It's potential is awesome. Several times each week, we set, talk, drink a few beers and listen to music from my phone ( 16 GB SD card) through a cheap but pretty good sound system. I set the player to randomly play tunes . Yesterday I wrote down the play list of the music played. It was while setting on the Party Patio that I confessed to my wife that my new favorite TV show was "Glee". She then stated "It is official, you are gay!"

Read the list (below) and see how many that you "know"

If I ever open a pub (along with my microbrewery) This would be the music playing in the background.

This Dirty Little Town by Kieren Kane and Emmylou Harris

Mary Jane's Last Dance (live) by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Things We Said Today by The Beatles

A Good Time Tonight by Kevin Fowler

Arkansas Blues by Hayes Carll

Texas Country by Chris Knight

One by U2 and Mary J . Blige

The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra

American Idoit (live) by Green Day

Copperhead Road (live) by Steve Earle

Mercury Blues (live) by David Lindley & Ry Cooder

Already Gone (live) by Eagles

I Don't Live Anymore (live) by Joe Bonamassa

Cortez the Killer (live) by Dave Matthews with Warren Haynes

Finger on the Trigger (live) Blue Edmonson Band

Public Domain by Jerry Jeff Walker

Sultan's of Swing (live) Dire Staits

Row of Dominos (live) by Joe Ely

Traveling Light by Robert Earl Keen, Jr.

December by Collective Soul

Sin Wagon by The Dixie Chicks

Jackson Station by The Band of Heathens

Can't See the Streets for My Tears by Coco Montoya

Rise by Eddie Vedder

House on the Hill by Seth James

Shattered by Of a Revolution (OAR)

Maureen by The Beat Farmers

Soap on a Rope by Chickenfoot

I'm Gonna Live Forever by Billy Joe Shaver

Stay with Me by Faces

Cold Grey Light of Dawn by Johnny Bush

Rollercoaster of Love by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Soy De San Louis by The Texas Tornados

Angry Eyes by Loggins and Messina

Victim of the Tomb by The Greencards

What is and What Should Be (live) by The Black Crowes with Jimmy Pages

The Wino and I Know by Jimmy Buffet

No One Loves Me and Neither Do You by Them Crooked Vultures

Bad Girlfriend by Theory of a Deadman

L.A. Woman by The Doors

Mississippi Queen (live) by Mountain

Pigs (live) by Roger Waters

Mustang Burn (live) by Jack Ingram

Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen (live) by Santana

Loan Me a Dime by Boz Skagg with Duane Allman

Nature's Way by Spirit

The Pretender by The Foo Fighters

Living in a Dream by The Arc Angels

South City Midnight Lady by The Doobie Brothers

Shanty Song by Jonathan Edwards

Dallas (live) The Flatlanders

Put the O Back in Country (live) by Shooter Jennings

Who's Gonna Build Your Wall by Tom Russell

Nights of Mystery (live) by Dan Baird

Hammer to Fall (live) by Queen

Forever Young by Bob Dylan

Crying, Waiting, Hoping by Marty Stewart and Steve Earle

The Last Laugh by Mark Knopfler and Van Morrison

Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi

Who Knows by Walter Trout, Popa Chubby and Jimmy Thackery

My Seperate Reality by Gov't Mule

Jukebox Hero by Foriegner

Every Breath You Take by The Police

Watching the Wheels by John Lennon

Recovering The Satellites (live) by The Counting Crows

Sailin Shoes (live) Little Feat

Bears by Lyle Lovett

Highway Star (live) Deep Purple

Heroes by David Bowie

I Gotta a Feeling by The Blackeyed Peas

Till the next time........

The Third

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall....

As I stated earlier one of my best friends came to town and visited me this past weekend. It was nice to see Roger. I do miss the concept of travelling around and seeing the sights, but I realize I miss the friends. (even though there was only one or two of them)

Thinking about it, I realize I have absolutely zero friends nearby. I go to the pub from time to time. Yes I like the beer, but to be honest, I love the conversation. My wife feels as if I ignore her. The fact is she is right. I am looking for a friend. None of the bar flies I have met are what I would consider friends. I mean they do not come by and visit and we don't meet for lunch from time to time. When I lived in Tomball, I had multiple friends. I could find someone to talk to or spend time with just about all the time. I still talk to a few of them from time to time. But I have not seen them in person in a pretty long time. My wife set up a facebook account for me so I can sort of keep in tune with the goings on of a few of them. Most of them are the youth (now adults) I used to mentor. Besides my wife gets on my facebook page and plays zoo, farm and cafe games. I am pretty sure my contacts on facebook think I am a true nerd. Then again they may feel that way anyway.

About a year ago I attempted to visit with my wife's youngest sister's husband. He lives nearby and from what I can see, he too does not have too many friends. Ok, he was my boss and try as he did to be open to a friendship, he could not allow his "boss" position be compromised. I asked him to meet me at local eatery (one I knew he liked) and that we could talk and have lunch. I insisted that I pay for it. When he showed up, he had his wife with him and he eventually paid for our meal. I even told him I really was looking for a friend. I guess he was not interested. What he wanted to chat about was mostly work related. It did not take long for me to realize our meeting was a waste of time.

We lived with one of the Mrs. The Third's brother. I have tried to enlist him as a friend. I admit he is nice enough but frankly his bi polar personality is very difficult to comprehend. My neighbor is nice enough except he is a primitive Baptist or COGIC "part time" minister. He is super friendly but I find little common ground between us. I am so afraid I would call him a heretic and then I could not even borrow tools from him. I gave him some Louisiana BBQ sauce for Christmas and he was appreciative but that is about it.
I have tried to be a friend to our landlord. He is a really nice guy but I think he seem too busy for me.
Yes I am trying to get a job. First of all it would get me off of the couch and bring a little more needed jingle in our bank account. I might find a friend or two as well.

I wrote an earlier blog about my search for six people to carry my casket from the the church. I guess my survivors could find someone for that task. But I have to admit I really need a friend.
Your Friend,
The Third

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stages, Phases or Transitions ?

In the early Spring of 1969, I was setting in the bedroom of Steve Thweatt, my future college roommate at LSU. He handed me the album cover of a new record that he had recently purchased. As I looked at the artwork he placed the stylus on the first track of side one of the album and staccato beat of an electric guitar filled the room. ....."In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man, Now I've reached that age, I've tried to do all those things the best I can. No matter how I try, I find my way into the same old jam. *Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share"

We lived in a small town just north of Houston, Texas. We attended a small Catholic Church and I was pretty involved in a lot of it's activities. To this day, some of my proudest and fondest memories come from that stage in my life. We became closely connected to a lot of our fellow parishioners and still remain friends with a lot of them albeit we rarely speak to or see them. Through the years we noticed that our parish was having some problems with leadership. Our pastor and deacon were both unceremoniously dumped and we found ourselves with a new guy. The parish had splintered in to various factions and frankly it was rapidly getting worse. One grey Sunday morning "Father Mickey" stood before the divided congregation and gave his first homily as the new "administrator" of the parish. I do not remember much from that sermon except his closing words. His words are embedded into my very soul. "The best is yet to come."


My last post was not intended to besmirch my last employer. Nor was it some sort of lament of someone who was grieving for days gone by. I was only trying to put closure on the matter.

This past Saturday and Sunday I had the chance to visit with my friend Roger, (Bub). He is from The Amish Country in Pa. and is the person I have "roomed" with mostly in my tenure with my last and most recent employer. He remains in their employ. I consider this man one of the best friends I have ever had. It was either while drinking a cold beer at a local pub or setting out on the party patio that we both realized that although we would always be friends, we probably will see a lot less of each other in the future. I even accepted that it could well be the last time actually, but as I shook my friends hand yesterday and drove away from his motel I actually had a feeling of tranquility. Bub and I had always kept everything on the table. That is what is good about a real friend.

I find myself looking back at my life's experience from time to time. I tend to classify certain points of my life as either stages, phases or transitions. I am attempting to decide what the last five years has been.

Now over 10 years later Fred's words are ringing in my ear. I have let myself slide into a feeling that I was reaching my December years and that I would have to face that fact. I have moved to a new town and I have allowed myself to just "get along" .... but you know, there still is a spark within me and an inner voice and it is saying "horseshit"

Yes I have had good times and bad times and I know I face an uncertain future. We all do.

It is a future I am looking forward to.

(It is Monday April 5, 2010 and I have just finished writing this blog. I went outside to feed Latifah and I sat on the party patio and looked into my yard. In my rose bed I saw the first bloom of the year) Below is a pic of what I saw.

The best is yet to come.......................

The Third

Post Script:

I rarely do this on my blog but I feel compelled to now.

Thank you J.R. for reminding me that the best wisdom and inspiration still comes from God. Thank you Tami for calling me a "great writer". I must admit my very favorite writer is Paul of Tarsus. I would like to think that if he were alive today, his epistles would be called blogs and be a lot like mine.

Now if only more people would realize what a fascinating "read" I can be.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What a long strange trip it has been

A while back I received a letter from The Power Load ( the place I have been "employed" for the past 4 or so years). It essentially said thanks and "good luck with my future endeavors". The really cool thing was that it was actually pink. After all of these years I have finally received a pink slip. From "family" to boot! I've learned that I was not the only employee to receive the boot. They did not let everyone go. It seems that if one had been fired or quit before, their job tended to be more secure. That is pretty eschewed.

The day after I received the letter I purchased a local paper and finally decided to "look for a job". The pickings were slim. They still are. I have realized since the later part of 2008, work was significantly slowing down. I also began to realize that I have somehow slipped out of favor with my in laws. I am somewhat confused as to why actually. Although I respect them, I still think both of them can be pretty much ignorant at times. I know that may sound harsh or disrespectful, but it is not intended to be that way. I continued to work for them and I kept hoping that I was wrong or that things would turn around. I knew I should be looking for employment elsewhere yet I convinced myself that I would have sufficient work with the Power Load. My last sojourn was at the beginning of this year in Hobbs, New Mexico. The facts that the end had come were abundantly clear. My brother in law placed me on the "shit detail". It was his petty way of reminding himself he was still the boss for one last time. I am beginning to think his employees are right when they call him a douche! As I left to return home I did not tell my fellow workers to be careful as I had always done in the past. Instead I simply said "good luck".

The job/task that I performed was not so unique that no other could do it. I was expendable. I will say that I was the best at what I did. That is not bragging. I really was the best. With the personnel that remain with the Power Load, I am confident that they can still perform well enough. The decision of my in laws to "trim the sails" was probably not an easy decision but in the end result, not a bad one. I would not be surprised if others will receive a pink letter soon.

So I looked a little closer in the newspaper and I found a job that caught my eye. I have applied for several more as well. I hope and pray I get a job soon. I am going nuts setting on the couch here. Yet I will miss working for The Power Load.

You can not work somewhere for four plus years and not have a certain amount of interaction with the people you work with. You do not need to be friends with them. You do not even have to like them. Over time you do establish a relationship with them. In some instances you develop actual friendships. Of all of my co workers (excluding my gregarious son in law and my wife's highly personable older brother) only two would fit that category. I shall really miss them. I do not think I will miss many of the others.

Over the last several weeks I have received a few phone calls from former work associates. Each tried to determine if I had or had not received a "pink slip". I was pretty coy with each of them. Some volunteered that in fact, they had received such notification. Yesterday someone called me and asked how I was doing. I had "assumed" that he was still employed and much to my surprise he too was terminated. I admit there was no reason that he should still be employed. Hell he is referred as The Company Bitch. I do sympathize with him though. I am not that heartless.

I liked the idea of setting at a bar drinking local beers in Montana; Michigan; California; Oregon; Colorado;New Mexico; Minnesota; Utah; Washington; Maryland;Louisiana; Illinois; North Dakota; New Hampshire; Florida; Kentucky; North and South Carolina; West Virginia; Texas or Maine and talking to one of my friends and family back home. Although I would not want to ever do it again, I did enjoy actually being stranded on I-80 in Rawlings, Wyoming due to a snow storm. I enjoyed a "Pink's Hot Dog" on the beach in Malibu and downing a Smuttynose on the banks of Lake Winnipesaukee. I will miss finally eating fresh caught Walleye in Minnesota and drinking a fresh Red Trolley near San Diego. I shall miss eating Lobster and Chowdah in Portland Maine and having a Dead Guy Ale at the Rouge Ale House in Portland, Oregon. I shall miss having another Oyster Po Boy at Rocky and Carlos' and drinking a 312 while setting at a bar at O'Hara. Who knows if or when I will be able to be in Ontario, Canada and have a cold Sleeman's or Ontario, California having another "Double Double" I know I will miss setting next to Bub at countless Bumble Bee's drinking a Brutus or taking a Pub Crawl with The Blue Whale.

I will not forget New England, Niagara Falls, Mt. Rainier, the Mojave/Mohave Desert or The Big Sky Country. I will miss the Rockies, The Appalachians, The Ozarks, The Sierras and drinking beers from New Glarus Brewery. (available only in Wisconsin) I will miss the 13 below weather in New Hampshire and the plus 100 weather in Georgia. I will miss picking up Basque Marinating Sauce in Bakersfield, Bill Miller's BBQ Sauce in Lafayette and Salmon Seasoning in Federal Way. ( Home of Sanjaya Malakar and Apolo Anton Ohno) I will miss Northern Wisconsin and the UP in the fall. I will miss Flagstaff in the winter. I will miss Denver in the spring and Portland Oregon in the summer.

Who knows if I will ever be able to visit another micro brewery and sample their wonderful offerings. I crossed the Mississippi on every bridge that crosses it. I have been on The George Washinigton, The Mighty Mac, Golden Gate, Tacoma Narrows, Royal Gorge, Tapinzee, Brooklyn, and New River Gorge, bridges. In addition to the Mississippi, I have crossed the Ohio and Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Colorado, and Kansas Rivers as well as the Wabash, Pecos, Sabine, Atchafalaya, Pearl, James and Gila, St Lawrence, Hudson, Deschutes, Brazos, Columbia, Willamette. Kern. Chattahoochee, and the "three rivers" Allegheny, Susquehanna and Manogohila. I have crossed the Red, Green, Black, Brown, Blue (Bayou), White and Yellowstone. Also I crossed the Suwanee, Rio Grande Wichita, Ouachita, Calcasieu, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Mermatau, Merced, Tulare, Canadian, Platte, Snake, Duck and Frog Rivers I have cross the Erie Canal as well as the Intra Coastal canal
I have seen St Johns, Biscayne, Baffin, San Francisco, and Chesapeake Bays,;Puget Sound and even Owen Dry Lake. I have seen the Great Salt Lake, Lake Pontchartrain and all of the great lakes. I have seen several national parks (see earlier blogs)

I have crossed the Mason Dixon and, The "36-30 Line" Cumberland Gap, Beartooth, Tehatchipiti, Barlow, Grapevine, Loveland, Lehmi, and Donner Passes; The Continental Divide, and every time zone in the lower 48. I have been to the one hundred largest cities in America except Anchorage Alaska and Honolulu, Hawaii. I have been to over 80 places that make beer on their premises and drank beer in everyone of them. I have been to China Towns, Little Italies, German Towns, multiple Indian Nations, The French Quarter and Amish Country.

I have been on Interstates 10, 20, 30 40, 70, 80 and 90. (there is no I-50 or I 60) Also I- 95, 85, 75, 65, 55, 45, 35 (of course) 25, 15 and The 5. I have been from Chicago to St, Louis; Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Gallop, New Mexico, Flagstaff, Arizona, Winona, Kingman, Barstow and San Bernadino. Yes I have stood on a corner in Winslow Arizona.

As my mother once said "All things must pass".

Now I move onward.

I once wrote a blog and I mentioned many of the people I have worked with. Several of my coworkers did read that blog and told me that they really liked it. I have always tried to be polite and not say too much that would tend taint anyone too much. With a few exceptions, I did not invite too many of my co workers to my home. In fact, I am happy that most of them do not know where I live. Most of the people I worked with gave me an outward impression that they liked me. I am wise enough to see through such facade. A few such as JC, The Lamentor, and The Company Bitch go down on my list as complete incompetents.

My beer drinking friends are the ones I shall miss. I enjoyed the pub crawls. I hope Bub finally gets off the road and settles down and I hope BW finds a man who loves her and and is devoted to only her. I am grateful to my Sister and Brother in Law to allow me the life experience I have detailed. I realize they do not respect me much but that is ok with me. I have been critical and sarcastic of them from times to time here and I do not retract anything I say. My gratitude far outweighs any animosities or feeling of ill will that I may have towards them.

In summation I could say that working with the Power Load has been fun. was miserable.


Lets say that it was bittersweet.

I did a great job and......

I did not suck!!!!!

The Third