Saturday, April 11, 2009


The Mrs The Third and I decided that last night was a good night to return our favorite pub O'Brien's. At the last minute I decided to take a bottle of 90 Shilling to Kevin and Ryan so they could enjoy some of my recent Colorado bounty. I put on my new favorite tee shirt (Trinidad Brewing Company), my black Polo shorts, my Mephisto Sharks; some "bling" (a 14k link bracelet inherited from my father); my mirrored aviators prescription sunglasses and my bad ass cowboy hat. As the Nature Boy would say, I was styling and profiling. We sort of have a routine on Fridays, first we go to the Duck (formerly the Duckhorn Tavern) We have one to two beers and play an electronic trivia game. In the past we would play as many as five games and I would usually win at least one of them. Last night I had the lead until the next to last question, but all of a sudden I went blank. RRLady won. Oh well. When we first started playing the game we would sign up on only one game player. Our name was Pauly. Eventually we decided to get two game players so I became Silvio and the Mrs. remained Pauly. Now you may think that these names come from a recent HBO drama. In a way they do. A few years ago, we worked in Manahawken, New Jersey. We all started talking as if we were from Jersey. We started every sentence with the word "Yo" and we called everyone "douche bags". I started handing out names to all of my co workers. I was Pauly, Ric was Carmine; Izzie was Guido; Tony is of course Tony; William was Silvio and Roger was Vinnie. I took the name Silvio for the trivia game. Anyway last night we strolled around the block to O'Brien's and as we bellied up to the bar, I was shocked to see a bottle of Pin Stripe Red Ale. Holy Shit it was a beer from Ska Brewery. I looked all over Denver for Ska and only found one bottle and here I was back on my home turf and there it was. I looked down to see if I indeed had ruby slippers on. It was surreal and low and behold on tap was Gordon, a beer from Oskar Blues (another Colorado beer). Ryan (the owner) later informed me that he had it on tap per my recommendation. He said he was selling the hell out of it actually. My wife told me after we got home that the head bartender Kevin, told her that I was pretty much "right on " on the beers and that they were actually starting to listen to me when I recommended a beer. I guess the word is getting around about me.

So I write a blog on beer blog talking about beer and how much I like it and now my public tends to feel I should discuss peripheral subjects. I am trying so hard to keep this fresh and current and as Simon Cowell says, relevent. What the hell does that mean? I am now back from my trip and I am scheduled to travel to South Carolina on the 20th. I feel I should spend the next week or so with preliminary plans for my pending Television Series.

About two years ago MOJO TV produced eight episodes of a 3o minute television show by the name of Beer Nutz. The show had two hosts Eric Gagnon and Kirk Kingzett. The premise of each episode was that each week the intrepid hosts would visit "beer capitals" They visited Denver, Portland, Chicago, Milwaukee, Boston, Burlington, San Fransisco & Vancouver. It was pretty obvious that neither of them knew jack shit or anything substantial about beer or thingsBeer. The show was cancelled after just one season. You can still find it on hulu and I suggest that you check it out. The Brew Chronicles will tap (pardon the expression) some of the originality of their shows. We plan on visiting pubs and breweries etc. But I plan to delve more into the personalities of the people behind the scenes. The movie Beer Wars is coming out next week and I anticipate that a renewed interest in thingsBeer will follow. The concept of homebrewers,brew pubs, and small craft breweries has certainly moved past the threshold of American passing interest. I find that several breweries, ie. Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Dogfish, Spoetzel( Shiner) and New Belgium have peaked and are essentially borderline as "microbreweries ".I remember the mantra back in the 60's "Never trust anyone over forty" It's funny that once you pass that age you forget the mantra or the 40 become 50 or 60. The same applies to microbreweries. Because they have been successful and brewed good products and as a result grew, does not mean that they are any less noble or less what they were when they started. But then again you can you use that same argument for AB InBev. They too were once a microbrewery.
The Beer Chronicles is a work in progress. Once the series is actually on the the air, I am sure these ramblings will be reviewed and studied extensively. As you read these fresh inscriptions for the first time just be happy you are seeing a national perhaps international phenomenon in it's infancy.

I am officially starting my journey at this writing. I guess the first step (short of me saying this is the start) is to create an outline. This posting and ones in the future will be reflecting such outline. Input from my readership will be accepted and possibly appreciated. Now as much as I may like to think otherwise, I am confident that this appears as a fantasy .....but is it? When I was in a pub (Old Chicago) in Colorado last week I told the bartender I had a Beer Blog and was negotiating a new television series. I got a free beer out of the deal. So see, it does work.
I surmise I should truly come up with a central theme of my series. That theme shall be

Following a Dream: the true message of the series is of a person who sees a goal in life and his journey to such. The path is not always straight and smooth and it has bumps along the way and the hazards are all part of the panorama. Essentially it could be summed up by the phrase "It is not the kill, it is the thrill of the chase."

Uniqueness: Each person on this planet is unique, some more than others. I want my personality to be a part of this story. My compassion, my sarcasm and my temperament is what I feel will add a uniqueness that will be appealing. I do not own a motorcycle yet I still watch American Chopper. I feel the fact the show is about thingsBeer that the viewing audience will be drawn to the substance rather than the subject.

Oblique Stardom: I have been playing guitar since I was fourteen years old. At the time being I only own one guitar (1979 Martin D-28) and two mandolins. I have played in several bands Red Kettle; Cows and Chickens; Blue Denim; Cedar Grove Allstars; Dancetown Band;Aspen; Playin for Keepz; KGB;The Beagles; Bounty & Cold Creek Band are a few. I have "sat in" with several others and played on a few recording with others. None of the bands listed ever became famous or well known (except in their small circles). One night when I was heading to the bathroom after playing a set for over an hour, a couple of young kids approached me and asked me for an autograph. I gave them what they asked and then I asked them to give me theirs. Now I can tell you that it was a true eye opener. I was actually embarrassed. I mention that here because it is where I want to be with The Brew Chronicles. I want to be "known" yet I want to always be embarrassed and extremely humble. I am confident that America is ready for someone like me.

Why me: "I can do that too": I am wanting this series to reflect that I am only a proxy. I will never claim I am better than or more suited than anyone else to be on the show.
Money: Hell yes. I want to be compensated. I read the other day that some television actors make up to 1 million dollars per episode. Holy Crap!!!!! Obviously I will have expenses (travel and clothing etc) I would expect that such expenses will be paid by the network and I have ongoing expenses so I would anticipate some sort of salary or contractual agreement. I would like to live comfortably and of course my life would be opened up to the American Public so my home and vehicle has to be somewhat respectable. But I am not looking to get wealthy, just made comfortable.

Awe:It is pretty cool to look at a infant as he or she gazes into the lights of their first Christmas tree. It is sheer awe. That is what I am looking for as I stroll through The Brew Chronicles. every episode should have that freshness and awe. When I visit a brew pub or micro brewery I admit I do not make a bee line look at their facilities. I have seen several and lets be honest, they pretty much are all the same. I mean some look fancier than others , but they rarely awe me. But recalling my visit with Alan at Hair of the Dog, I sat there and chatted with him as we took bottles and placed them in six pack carriers that where then place in cases. That day I was in awe. On the show I want that awe to come across the screen. But I want the person I am interviewing or interacting to be in awe too.

The GABF (Great American Beer Festival) is usually held in Denver each year. It is becoming the award presenter that is becoming a gold standard. There are beer festivals popping up all over the place and of course TBC will do it's fair share of visits to them. I envision attending the GABF and others and walking into the hotel lobbies and having multiple fans approaching me. I want to be one on one with them and not have a single bit of "air" about me. They are not my peeps, I am theirs.

So there you go. I will fine tuning my outline over the next few blogs. I will crafting a presentation that I plan to submit to multiple producers and networks. I am confident of success.

Stay tuned

Happy Easter and Great Fifty Days (Paschal Tide)

The Third

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