Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To Be The Man You Gotta Beat The Man

Well I have done all sorts of blogs so I felt I should venture in a completely new direction. My last blog was sort of "deep and somber" so I felt I should be somewhat more light-hearted with this one.

I am sure that most readers of this blog are not rassling fans. You don't need to be, but respect me even if I do enjoy watching it. There are so many "reality shows on television today. We tend to forget that T.V. show for decades were fantasy.

Now people say Professional Wrestling is fake. Well I ask you to define fake. Watch these vids and try to tell me what is fake about them or the tears on your cheek.

Ric Flair is a true entertainer. Like him or not, he perfected his craft to level never achieved by anyone else. The videos shown below were taken about a year ago. This was an event like no other. Never before have the heels and faces (good guys and bad guys) come out together as a group to praise an individual. Those hugs and tears were real not fake.

The managing and promotion of this "sport" should be included in every marketing and economic program in every college in our country. Think about it. They take the same product and sell it over and over and over again. They literally make billions of dollars doing it.

I took my oldest daughter to several matches. One time Ko Ko B. Ware entered the auditorium and as he walked towards the ring, he stopped and gave her a hug. As he walked towards his match he exclaimed "Have Mercy". Just as Ric Flair was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last year, Ko Ko B. Ware will be inducted this year.

Finally I ask. Is it fantasy or reality TV ?
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Wooooooooo !!!


The Third

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