October, 1969, I was 18 years old. I was a freshman at Louisiana State University (in Baton Rouge). My roommate was a guy by the name of Steven Simmons. Steve was also from Shreveport and was a graduate of the local Catholic "boys" High School. I must have known the entire Senior Class of Jesuit, but for some reason I never met it's Class President, Steve ,till I met him at LSU. I know that everyone sort of looks like someone else. Steve could have passed for a twin of the bass player for the Beatles (Billy Shears?). It was uncanny. He was also left handed (as is Paul McCartney) and he was a true wizard on the guitar. I was receiving $ 25.00 per week from my parents for living expenses. I spent most of it on beer actually. But then again I guess that IS living expenses. I had recently returned from Kadairs Records and Tapes with a new album. It had been recorded between July and August of the same year. In our dorm room in the basement of Johnson Hall, Steve and I listened to side two of the last actual album the Beatles ever recorded. He listened to it one time and proceeded to teach me how to play all of it on the guitar. I learned more (musically) from him than anyone before or since. I know Abbey Road was not the last one released but it was indeed the last one actually recorded. "And in the end, the love you give is equal to the love you make".
Now I like good music.I love many different genres of music. My portable music player has tunes from Ray Davies to Ray Willie Hubbard. From Uriah Heap to Imogen Heap. From Abba to ZZ Top. Country to Hip Hop ( I like T Pain's I'm on a Boat) .The Chairman of the Board to The Boss. The Arc Angels to The Killers. I am a musician. I admit I am not anywhere close to being as good as I think I am or I wish I was. Since 1971 I have played in multiple bands and groups and I actually got paid to do so. I even have laid a few tracks down for a couple of CDs. I also admit that the music I like is my own prerogative and everyone else is entitled to the same choice as I. Modern day "hip

A few blogs ago I mentioned my distaste for reality shows on television. Call me old fashion but give me a story about a fictional kingdom named after a mountain range in Israel, with a king named Silas, who has an English accent over three hotties living with and going ga ga over an 80 year plus curmudgeon. Several years ago, I was passing through Lafayette, Louisiana. At the time, my oldest daughter lived there. Now let me say ,that now, one of my "other" daughters lives there now. (see Tina I did mention you) Anyway, when I was visiting J.R., I offered to take

So I think I have clearly expressed my disdain for reality tv shows. I am sure the show with little people is appealing to many. The Roloffs seem to be a good family. My wife sure likes them. Check their web page. They actually sell containers of dirt from their farm. Yes for a mere eight bucks you too can own some of their farm. But then there is shows about entitled trophy wives or the family married to an Olympic hero. How about shows revealing families with a lot of kids or about wife swapping or nanny swapping etc. How about the one that fixes houses up or the one that fixes at least one room. But wait. What about the shows about cops or bounty hunters or the seemingly endless amount of courtroom shows? Then there ones showing people racing across the planet or living in a house with

Holy Crap!!! I have an idea. Forget what I said about reality shows. Make me, The Third into a reality show. I bet the gig pays pretty good. I work cheap, just ask my in laws (my employers.)
Picture this. A real life television show showing me starting a brewery and brew pub from scratch. We could start from the very beginning. Season One would show me visiting several brew pubs and breweries. It would show me interacting with brewers and owners etc. It would follow me as I attended various beer competitions. The show would center on me and the way and course I take to build my dream. Of course I would express my opinions of some of the beers that I try. As the seasons pass, different phases will be revealed. Perhaps I can sell left over wort or something, Just as OCC builds theme bikes, the show could detail how a new beer is derived. We could have "theme beers". Hell we could have OCC Beer. Perhaps have the Tuttles visit the brewery or I could visit their shop and they can build a theme bike for me. Paul Sr, Paul Jr. & Mikey all look like beer drinkers to me.The possibilities are endless. I could interview the big names in the industry. I could chronicle the financing and building and marketing of the facilities. Ok, I would hire some little people and hob nob with some semi famous celebrities such as the Lovable Larry Ryan.(Former DeeJay KEEL AM, Shreveport, Louisiana), Master P or Hugh Hefner and his twin girlfriends. You know, the more I type here, the more I am actually getting excited. This really is not a bad idea and why not me? Just imagine me, The Third, a reality television star setting across the board room table with The Donald or dancing the Paso Doble with Edyta Sliwinska.

I am submitting a list of beer blogs you can visit. They are listed at the end of this blog.I am very much in awe of all of them. I would be so honored just to have mine listed among theirs. But if I get the reality show gig I will blow past all of them at light speed.
I have an idea for the name of my new reality show.
The Brew Chronicles.
Being that today is Haiku Wednesday I offer a few....
Hops, malt, yeast, water.
Combine them and you get beer.
And proof God exists.
See my beer blog at
Bee double e double r
You in blogspot com
As I have mentioned from time to time, I actually have four daughters. There is no way that I can describe here how much love I have for each of them. As I look back at my life each of them are the greatest joys of my life. At times, I disagree with each of them but my respect and love for each of them never waivers.... In an abstract way, this blog is a way I can still connect to them. However, it has been pointed out by a substantial portion of my readership, that I tend to mention or refer to my oldest daughter significantly more in my blogs than the other three.
I must admit that this observation is indeed correct. I am sorry. So to Kristina, Kimberly and Sarah. here is your big moment. You are now mentioned in my blog of which I expect to be "huge". And to you Kristina. I have now mentioned you twice in this blog so man up and stop being such a girl! Your dad is a big time blogger and a soon to be Reality Television Star. He does not need any additional stress or controversy.
I love you Kristina (that's three times)
The Third
The Beer Blogs I mentioned are here below
- 2 Beer Guys
- 40 Beers At 40
- A Blog About Beer
- A Good Beer Blog
- A Pint of Knowledge
- A World Of Brews
- About Beer
- Adventures in Beer Tasting
- Alemonger
- All-Grain Evangelist
- Andrew Ager
- Appellation Beer
- Appellation Beer Blog
- Asheville Beer Blog
- Bad Ben’s Brewing
- Bar Stories
- Barclay Perkins
- Barley Blog
- Barley Vine
- Barley, Hops, Yeast & Water
- Bathtub Brewery
- Bay Area Craft Brewing
- Bearded Brewing Blog
- Beaumont On the House
- Beer & Brewing Journal
- Beer & Nosh
- Beer (& More) In Food
- Beer 4 Chicks
- Beer Abbey
- Beer Activist Blog
- Beer and Sci-Fi
- Beer at Joe’s
- Beer Chef
- Beer Crier
- Beer Day
- Beer Dorks
- Beer Drinkers Society
- Beer Editor’s Blog
- Beer Examiner
- Beer Is My Mommy
- Beer Lass
- Beer Luv
- Beer Odyssey
- Beer of the Trip
- Beer Pages
- Beer Philosopher
- Beer Pirate
- Beer Radar
- Beer Rant: A Beer Diary
- Beer Retard
- Beer Run Blog
- Beer School
- Beer Scribe
- Beer Tap TV
- Beer Therapy
- Beer Utopia
- Beer, Beats & Bites
- BeerBlogger.com
- Beercations
- BeerChief Blog
- Beercraft
- Beerheart
- Beerjanglin’
- BeerSmith
- Beers, beers, beers
- Beervana
- Belgian Beer
- Belmont Station Blog
- Bicycle Brewing
- Bier Adventures
- Biere de Table
- Bill Brand’s Beer Blog
- Boak and Bailey
- Bostonbeerman Blog
- Bottled Llama Brewing
- Bottom Shelf
- Brainard Brewing
- Brew Basement
- Brew Bits
- Brew Brain Blog
- Brew Thoughts
- Brewcaster Blog
- Brewed For Thought
- Brewerman
- Brewing Battles Blog
- Brewing the Perfect Beer
- Brewsky at the Bar
- Brewvana
- Bridger’s Beer Log
- Brookston Beer Bulletin
- Browsing Brews
- BS Brewing
- Cervesa Japonica
- Cheap Beer Server
- Christina Perozzi
- Cigar City Beer
- Climbing
- Confessions of Beer Geek
- Davis on Draft
- Days That End in "Y"
- Diary of a Brewer
- Doctor Duvel
- Dowd on Drinks
- Dowd’s Brews Notebook
- Dr. J’s Beer Blog
- Drink Craft Beer
- Drink Hacker
- Drinks News
- Drunken Polack
- Elite Wheats
- Fermentarium
- Fermentendly Challenged
- Final Gravity
- First State Brewers’ Blog
- Foam On The Range
- For the Love of Beer
- Four-Eyed (Beer) Geek
- Gathering Brews
- Geistbear Brewing Blog
- Girl’s Guide to Beer
- Good Beer Show
- Grain Bill
- Gravity Brew Mag
- Great Canadian Pubs
- Grizzly Growler
- Guest on Tap
- Guinness Blog
- Hail the Ale!
- Hair of the Dog Dave
- Hedonist Beer Jive
- Highway To Ale
- Hoosier Beer Geek
- Hop Talk
- Hop Watch
- Hops & Barley Blog
- I Love Beer
- I’ll Have Another Stout
- Imbibe Unfiltered
- Inside the Bay Area
- Ionia Ales
- It’s Pub Night
- Jim Parker’s Blog
- Just Beer
- Kalamabrew
- KegWorks Blog
- KevBrews
- Klutz Brauerei
- Knut Albert’s Beer Blog
- Krausen Rising
- La Petite Brasserie
- Lagerheads
- Legal Beer (MN)
- Liquid Diet Online
- Lootcorp
- Lyke 2 Drink
- Mad Fox Brewing
- Madison Beer Review
- Maltblog
- Mattias Beer Experience
- Micro Matic Beer Blog
- Microbrews: 10-Yr. Restrospective
- Musings Over A Pint
- My Beer Pix
- My Life on Craft
- My Pub Guide Blog
- Nashville Beer Geek
- Nebraska Beer
- Noble Beer News
- On Tap (Magic Bevvie)
- On the House
- Opinionated Beer Page
- Pau Hana Time
- Pete Brown’s Blog
- Pfiff!
- Planet Seth
- Portland Beer Blog
- Potable Curmudgeon
- Real Ale Blog
- Real Beer Blog (UK)
- Real Beer Blog (US)
- Relentless Thirst
- Road to the Brewhouse
- Roger Protz’s Blog
- San Diego Beer Blog
- Save the Boozer Ass’n
- Seen Through a Glass
- SevenPack
- Sharing Beer
- Shaun & Nico: 21A
- Shelton Brothers
- Social History of Beer
- Social Zymurgy
- Spirit World on Beer
- Stonch’s Beer Blog
- Suds Pundit
- Summer of Beer
- Takau Brewing
- Taking the Beard Out of Beer
- Tennessee Beer Blog
- The "Beer Me!" Blog
- The Bar Towel
- The Barley Blog
- The Beer Babe
- The Beer Buddha
- The Beer Geek
- The Beer Hall
- The Beer Here
- The Beer In Me
- The Beer Jockey
- The Beer Life Of Brian
- The Beer Nut
- The Beer Pirate
- The Beer Rant
- The Beer Snob
- The Beer Tap
- The Beer Tourist
- The Beer Wench
- The Beers Of My Life
- The Brew Basement
- The Brew Club
- The Brew Lounge
- The Brew Site
- The Bruery
- The Champagne Of Blogs
- The Fermenting Barrel
- The Full Pint
- The Pour (Eric Asimov)
- The Thirsty Hopster
- Things That Are Brewed
- Think On
- Trouble Brewing
- United Nations of Beer
- Unrepentant Individual
- Utah Beer
- Vermont Beer Blog
- What Ale’s Thee?
- What’s On Tap?
- Wet Your Whistles
- Wholesale Beverage Dist.
- World Of Beer
- Wort’s Going On Here?
- Yours for Good Fermentables
- Zythophile
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