Wednesday, March 24, 2010

" know what I"

I take this time to admit that I was pretty wrong last year. I ranted about season 8 of American Idol and particularly about the person who I felt was getting far more attention than his talent deserved. America's newest "gay" sweetheart is actually damn good. He has played the game perfectly. Recently the Mrs. The Third and I had lunch at Chuy's in Austin and as we walked in, Adam Lambert was singing in the background. I actually liked the song.

So once again I review American Idol and once again make my predictions.

First of all the rant is that this year's group is talent laden. Bullshit !!!!

Only three are actually "decent" singers. I know I am opionated but let's face it none of them are even close to the singing caliber of former A.I. winner Taylor Hicks.

This year's chosen one is a dreadlocked wide assed, pierced, single mom, multi tattooed, smart assed, foul mouthed street urchen. Last night's episode gave us what we all expected. Her singing a Janis song. Not only did she sing a Janis Joplin song, she sang THE Janis song. She blew it. Oh the judges fawned all over her but it really was not that special. In retrospect she would have done better leaving America to fantasize the comparison between her and Pearl.

Big Mike was my initial favorite. I pegged him during his initial try out. But there is something about him that seems eschewed. He will be a recording artist and do pretty good. That does not mean that he will win American Idol.

That leaves Siobhan. First of all she has a cool Celtic name. She has a weeping father. She has tattoos too. She screams like a banshee. She is nerdy yet hot. She probably is the weakest singer of the three.

It is Wednesday morning and I am actually watching last night's final 11 episode. So I will make my prediction on the order of finish

Ok. A few explanations first.

First of all we as the listeners have been forced to listen to what "they" tell us to listen to. Although a level of talent is essential, a good musician and good voice does not always mean too much. Think about it. the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame includes Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five as well as Abba yet the Moody Blues and Kiss are excluded. Country music forced The Judd's and Taylor Swift upon us while excluding Steve Earle and Townes Van Zandt.

The other thing you have to realize is that your "votes" really do not count much. The order of finish in American Idol is scripted about as much as kay fobed professional wrestling. Just as in the later, the winner is predetermined. The contestants are given a time frame of their "match" and then the winner is revealed. That being in mind I hereby submit the countdown to this year's American Idol winner.

There are 11 remaining contestants and I shall break down the result to the winner by breaking the group in four sets. (three of three and one of two)

Group One

Tim goes home tonight. He was already rejected by the judges. I do not think the judges want one of their "rejects" to go on tour with the rest of the contestants.

Paige or Andrew will go home next week. Paige really should go tonight but the judges want at least one black female on tour. For that reason (and the reason I just cited) she beats out Tim.

Andrew goes next. (He is Latin and once again his ethnicity helps him.)

Of the three mentioned I feel Tim is actually the best "entertainer".

Group Two

These three go next. I think the order I have them in will be the exit order but regardless these are the next three. Some may argue Katie should be in this group, but she is so cute I feel the "judges" will keep her around

Didi. She barely makes this group. I must admit the Latino vote and the judges desire to have at least one brown skinned dude a little longer may result in her leaving prior to Andrew. (see above)
Lee (not a bad singer but does not have wow factor) Yes I know is a fan fav. He is handsome and the girls like him, but the judges consist of three people who like chicks rather than guys. But I still feel he will not make the top five.
Aaron (Too young. He needs to be in the cast of Glee along with Tim and Katie) If the judges use their "second chance" they will use it for him. But I think he goes the next week.

Group Three

Katie (Cute get votes. But .....when you are in top five, talent will start to win out) She is here because the judges want a third female in top five. (Lee and Aaron are better as well as Tim for that matter)
Casey When it comes down to either him or Mike as last guy. I think he will lose.
Mike (The judges say this is the year for the girls and By Gawd they will not be proven wrong)

Group Four (the finals)

Crystal (at least she owns a Martin)


Siobhan says "wicked cool" (of course she is from New England) She is good on the eyes. She can sing. She screams and She is female. American Idol really wants a female to win this year. I mean they really want a female to win. Dawg says she is "dope". Mike is not female and Crystal's"bad ass" image diminishes her female side.

So my prediction is that Siobhan Magnus will win.

So stick around. I might be wrong as I was last year. But I might be right too.

"I've got mad love for you"

The Third

Post Script

My prediction for the replacement of Simon Cowell........... Well it could be T. Bone Burnett. Then again it could be Billy Ray Cyrus. But I think it will be...........

David Foster.


  1. Ok, it is a week later and my prediction is already not perfect. Then again, in the scope of things I am still on tract. Last night Andrew did pretty good and I find it hard to think that he will be gone tonight. Teflon Tim actually did well too and although he will be in the bottom two, he should "make" another week since DiDi will most likely take an early exit. The American public may still give him the ole heave hoe anyway in efforts to give DiDi another chance and Andrew to leave next week as per my predictions. Keep in mind I said she may be one of the first three to go. The reality is that "VFTW" will only help Tim so much .If Didi does leave tonight, I feel TT only has another week unless Andrew returns to his usual lackluster efforts next week. I still am confident that my overall predictions are correct even though the "Scream" was "way" off this week.

  2. Holy Shit. A few years ago American Idol had a Lennon and McCartney night. It was abysmal. The talk then was that the songs were timeless yet the singers were too young to relate to them. Tonight I watched the nine remaining singers take on the same theme. They blew the previous theory completely out of the water.

    I will say it now...Casey James, who I do not will actually win A.I. sang an obscure John Lennon song tonight and in my opinion it was the not only the best performance of the night as each of the judges stated, it was the very best song ever sang on any show in the history of American Idol. It was truly fantastic.

    So keeping with my weekly add on I will give my predictions for the result for tomorrow night.
    Bottom Three:


    Although he will be in the bottom three, Tim will not be there very long leaving the bottom two as Aaron and Andrew.

    We will say goodbye to Andrew and He might, just maybe get a reprieve. Personally I do not think he will. These results still keep my original predictions on track.
    I am really admire like TT more and more and I must say that if he continues to hold his own, he may last a week or too more. Katie confirmed my belief that she will be in the top five.

    Finally I must say that tonight's show was actually very entertaining.

  3. Ok it is official. My new favorite show is "Glee" I recorded it along with A.I. last night and I watched both till the early morning hours.

    Last week's results were pretty much what I have predictied, sort of. I did not see the Big Mike near elimination but frankly I admit his Beatles performance was really not that good either. I just thought his popularity would carry him. Andrew should have actually been kicked off and I am 100% sure that tonight will be Andrew's last. Last night's singing by him was pretty bad. Aaron,the other guy in last week's bottom three will be joining Andrew in the exit tonight. The final member of the bottom three will be Katie but she will, of course survive.

    I still stay with my predictions of the final five and my belief Sioban will win is just as strong.

    Once again Tim is proving that his Teflon coating is affixed pretty good. He is beginning to be better and better each week.

    It has gotten to the point that one weak performance could send you home.(except Moma Sox or Siobhan) I predict next week will be either Katies or Tim's last and as much as I am a fan of Turbin I realize his run will end eventually. Now I will say that if he were to continue his course, Lee , Big Mike or even Casey could slip up and stumble allowing TT to make a few weeks longer on the show.

    Think about it, last year's winner was contiually in the bottom three and most thought his chances were slim compared to Matt,Danny,Allison or Adam. Yet, he won.

    I also stated in my blog that the overall talent of this year was not really there. I find myself being proven wrong on this point.I am continually hearing really good performances.

    Looking back at all of the past American Idol shows, one will quickly realize that coming in first place does not always make one a huge star while finishing within the top ten has produced multiple viable artist.
    I am pretty certian that last year's runner up knew he was not the ultimate winner of the show prior to the final show. He knew his future was set regardless. Winning A.I. was not even icing for his cake.
    So why am I saying this. I feel Lee and Tim will ultimately be the biggest stars from this years bunch. I could see Tim singing on my new favorite show. (along with Katie of course)

  4. I have adding a comment each week after I have watched the contestants sing on Tuesday night. It is actually Tuesday afternoon now and I have not seen this weeks installment. I do want to go ahead a make my prediction now though. The theme tonight is "inspirational tunes" Believe it or not this is in Teflon Turban's wheel house. He is a Christian Music Artist actually. Regardless of how well he does, I feel he will be in the bottom two. I realize I predicted Katie would make the final 5 but if you read my predictions I said it would be only because she was young and cute and that this is the year for the females.
    I realize Big Mike was close to being sent home but I feel that is as close as he will get to an early exit for a few more weeks. so it all comes down who moves into the final five slot vacated by Katie. Hello Lee It is you for sure. That leaves Tim as I mentioned and 17 year Aaron. Once again Tim skates and someone else leaves. In this case, Aaron.

    With all of my predictions I still believe that Siobhan will get the crown but Lee may truly suprise us and not only make the final five but the final two. The jury is still out on that but I do think there is a chance. along with Tim he is the contestant who seems to be improving more and more each week. Momentum does count for something. Also if you read some of the stuff on the net you will find that Mamasox is pretty unstable. We shall see

  5. Ok...I was not going to add anything but I feel perhaps I should. The results show will air in about 2 hours from now. After watching last night, I am pretty confident that TT has outlasted his welcome. It is down to nut cutting time. I felt he may last another week if he did very good tonight or if Aaron was really to falter. That did not happen. The guess is who will be in the bottome three. I think it will be Tim (of course) Aaron and Casey. Casey needs this time in to bottom to inspire him. I feel that it will actually. Mike nay make the bottom three but I just do not see it. So with that said Tim sings his last song tonight. But...This is Idol gives back and a curve make been on the horizon where everyone gets a pass till next week and then two will exit then. think that may happen but probably not. After reading a few of the blogs and postings I find my belief about Lee is not unique. I also realize Mamasox is in a whole different stratosphere. but think about it. So was Adam Lambert and Daughtery for that matter. Ms. Bowersox still gives me this uneasey feeling and that vibe may be her undoing still. There is still a ways to go and Lee and Siobhan continue to gain. We shall see

  6. Well it is once again Tuesday and I am submitting my lunacy to AI. Now there are only 6 contestants remaing and the cheese is getting bindin. so let me state that of my original prediction 4 are still in the hunt. The one I missed I must admit was a shot in the dark. I will reconfirm my predictions and of course predict this weeks loser.

    This week is Shinia Twain music and I have a sinking feeling about it. This could be a true train wreck for a couple of the front runners. Casey was high on my list but he really showed he was a one trick pony. Keep in mind Chris Daughtery is what I would consider a OTP also and he is not doing too bad. Unless Casey pulls one from the hat I feel his tide of bad luck may be costly. Then again big Mike is still attempting to recover from his near miss. He must be very careful this week or he could get the heave hoe. I think Lee can sing the phone book now and do it one key and he will still make it to the next round. He has a following that votes with their eyes. Aaron should have gone home by now. I still think his turn was last week and Tim would be leavin tonight. Somehow I think the same reason I thought Katie would be in the top five may prove to keep Aaron around till next week. On the other hand. One mistake even by him would be costly. the two girls are still bullet proof but let me say thaat FFTW now backs Shebion and that could be a huge disadvantage in the long run. I still think Mamasox is a pain (at least in an AI kind of way) I am not sure that when it gets down to her and only one other she may loose votes due to her smart ass demeanor. I still say the Screamer will be the eventual winner but I am not quite as big on her as in the past. Her singing is slightly off lately and she needs a big night. the type of music for tonight just might be what she is looking for. Man I feel like a woman...

    so myu prediction (keep in mind this is written before tonights show) is that Mike Aaron and Casey are in the bottom three and then Mike and Casey and then we get to see Mike's wife cry some more.

  7. I am not too sure where all this is going. It is now Wednesday afternoon and I have watched last night's show.
    Lee sounds like the lead singer of Third Day
    Hell he might be the lead singer of Third Day
    He is so far off key that he chromatics into another key and keeps going. He was ok last night and will not be voted off

    Casey was damn good and should have no problem either. I do forsee him in the bottom three but only for a short while

    Aaron actually sang good enough that I could see him as finally being legitimate. I think his age is an asset for the time being but the deeper he goes it will become a liabilty I think he will be safe tonight

    Big Mike did his Luther Vandross imitation and he did it well. Luther is dead and most of his fans probably do not watch AI Mike is in serious trouble here regardless of how well he did. Yes I feel his wife is gonna cry again tonight.

    Crystal did ok and has nothing to worry about. I will cauttion her a little about her attitude and suggest she grin and bear it. The judges can still influence what people think they hear. Which what they did last night with Siobhan. Holy shit she was bad. No even close to good and miles away from the complements she ended up getting. I would think based on her performance last night (without judges comments) she would be gone gone gone. But I feel she will fight another day and I still think she will be the winner. She may make the final three. If she does. It means people actually do listen to singer rather than judges. On the other hand if she is not then you can be assured she will be in final two and very well could win as I predict she will.
