Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Testaments

I have been going through a catharsis lately. The lack of work, the cold and wet weather and being stuck in the house is beginning to work on my mental health. I have noticed how quickly things change. I realize now that due to my time in this life that I can somehow quantify things clearer.

As John Lennon said so many years ago. "I've always been a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." I was born on the state line between Texas and Louisiana at the beginning of the 50's decade. I began life in the early 60's when I watched four chaps from Liverpool singing on a "really beeee gaaa shoe". For the past year or so, I have attempted to put that life in electronic written form

I am rapidly approaching my 100th blog. I began my blog back in 2008 and at the time I felt I could chronicle the various beers and ales that I was sampling while on the road. I never truly stuck to the concept and as time passed I allowed my muse to wonder all over the place. I have talked about reality television, including American Idol and Kate and her brood. I have written about modern day pirates and rogues. I have detailed my travels and my life experiences. I wrote a detailed rambling and journal of my 1969 trip to Woodstock and I have on at least two occasions, went into some of the history of my father's family. Along the way I have talked about beer and thingsbeer ( a term I coined actually). I have to admit that it has never truly taken flight. I have ranted. I have bemoaned. I have written about the people and places I have worked and I have written of things that somehow mean something to me but not always to anyone else. Few people actually read these meanderings. I have fantasized about my dream to open a brewery (now to be called Big Cat Brewing Company) and or be a television personality. I have written about wrestling as well as my favorite college's sports teams. I have talked about some of my pub crawls as well as bragged upon places that I have been. I have written about some of my favorite watering holes. Yes it is mostly blabble but it is my blabble.
My wife has set me up with facebook and I now have learned enough to be able to follow tweets. Although I would like to think people would be interested in what I have had to say, I have come to the conclusion that today's people are more inclined to live on sound bites or short blurbs. Facebook and Twitter are certainly more suited for it. They would must rather see the movie than set and read the book. My wife still enters my facebook page and tends a garden/zoo and cafe for me. She has requested several people I have known in the past to be my "friends" Mostly they are kids (now adults) who I interacted with in the past. I am sure all of my "cute" sayings and posts there are mostly overlooked when they see how "in to" I am with my farm/zoo/cafe. Even still it is good to see that most of them are doing very well in life.

I have tried to advertise / promote this blog there. Thus far I have not had much success.
But yes I continue to write. I have not given up on my blog. At the very least I will write my 100th blog before I sign off. I tend to believe that my words will tend to live on and one day they will be reveled as what they are intended to be. .......New testaments of sorts.

In the mean while I will dream on and look forward to drinking a ice cold Big Cat..........

Ireland Forever (Erin Go Braugh)

The Third

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