Wednesday, March 24, 2010

" know what I"

I take this time to admit that I was pretty wrong last year. I ranted about season 8 of American Idol and particularly about the person who I felt was getting far more attention than his talent deserved. America's newest "gay" sweetheart is actually damn good. He has played the game perfectly. Recently the Mrs. The Third and I had lunch at Chuy's in Austin and as we walked in, Adam Lambert was singing in the background. I actually liked the song.

So once again I review American Idol and once again make my predictions.

First of all the rant is that this year's group is talent laden. Bullshit !!!!

Only three are actually "decent" singers. I know I am opionated but let's face it none of them are even close to the singing caliber of former A.I. winner Taylor Hicks.

This year's chosen one is a dreadlocked wide assed, pierced, single mom, multi tattooed, smart assed, foul mouthed street urchen. Last night's episode gave us what we all expected. Her singing a Janis song. Not only did she sing a Janis Joplin song, she sang THE Janis song. She blew it. Oh the judges fawned all over her but it really was not that special. In retrospect she would have done better leaving America to fantasize the comparison between her and Pearl.

Big Mike was my initial favorite. I pegged him during his initial try out. But there is something about him that seems eschewed. He will be a recording artist and do pretty good. That does not mean that he will win American Idol.

That leaves Siobhan. First of all she has a cool Celtic name. She has a weeping father. She has tattoos too. She screams like a banshee. She is nerdy yet hot. She probably is the weakest singer of the three.

It is Wednesday morning and I am actually watching last night's final 11 episode. So I will make my prediction on the order of finish

Ok. A few explanations first.

First of all we as the listeners have been forced to listen to what "they" tell us to listen to. Although a level of talent is essential, a good musician and good voice does not always mean too much. Think about it. the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame includes Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five as well as Abba yet the Moody Blues and Kiss are excluded. Country music forced The Judd's and Taylor Swift upon us while excluding Steve Earle and Townes Van Zandt.

The other thing you have to realize is that your "votes" really do not count much. The order of finish in American Idol is scripted about as much as kay fobed professional wrestling. Just as in the later, the winner is predetermined. The contestants are given a time frame of their "match" and then the winner is revealed. That being in mind I hereby submit the countdown to this year's American Idol winner.

There are 11 remaining contestants and I shall break down the result to the winner by breaking the group in four sets. (three of three and one of two)

Group One

Tim goes home tonight. He was already rejected by the judges. I do not think the judges want one of their "rejects" to go on tour with the rest of the contestants.

Paige or Andrew will go home next week. Paige really should go tonight but the judges want at least one black female on tour. For that reason (and the reason I just cited) she beats out Tim.

Andrew goes next. (He is Latin and once again his ethnicity helps him.)

Of the three mentioned I feel Tim is actually the best "entertainer".

Group Two

These three go next. I think the order I have them in will be the exit order but regardless these are the next three. Some may argue Katie should be in this group, but she is so cute I feel the "judges" will keep her around

Didi. She barely makes this group. I must admit the Latino vote and the judges desire to have at least one brown skinned dude a little longer may result in her leaving prior to Andrew. (see above)
Lee (not a bad singer but does not have wow factor) Yes I know is a fan fav. He is handsome and the girls like him, but the judges consist of three people who like chicks rather than guys. But I still feel he will not make the top five.
Aaron (Too young. He needs to be in the cast of Glee along with Tim and Katie) If the judges use their "second chance" they will use it for him. But I think he goes the next week.

Group Three

Katie (Cute get votes. But .....when you are in top five, talent will start to win out) She is here because the judges want a third female in top five. (Lee and Aaron are better as well as Tim for that matter)
Casey When it comes down to either him or Mike as last guy. I think he will lose.
Mike (The judges say this is the year for the girls and By Gawd they will not be proven wrong)

Group Four (the finals)

Crystal (at least she owns a Martin)


Siobhan says "wicked cool" (of course she is from New England) She is good on the eyes. She can sing. She screams and She is female. American Idol really wants a female to win this year. I mean they really want a female to win. Dawg says she is "dope". Mike is not female and Crystal's"bad ass" image diminishes her female side.

So my prediction is that Siobhan Magnus will win.

So stick around. I might be wrong as I was last year. But I might be right too.

"I've got mad love for you"

The Third

Post Script

My prediction for the replacement of Simon Cowell........... Well it could be T. Bone Burnett. Then again it could be Billy Ray Cyrus. But I think it will be...........

David Foster.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Testaments

I have been going through a catharsis lately. The lack of work, the cold and wet weather and being stuck in the house is beginning to work on my mental health. I have noticed how quickly things change. I realize now that due to my time in this life that I can somehow quantify things clearer.

As John Lennon said so many years ago. "I've always been a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." I was born on the state line between Texas and Louisiana at the beginning of the 50's decade. I began life in the early 60's when I watched four chaps from Liverpool singing on a "really beeee gaaa shoe". For the past year or so, I have attempted to put that life in electronic written form

I am rapidly approaching my 100th blog. I began my blog back in 2008 and at the time I felt I could chronicle the various beers and ales that I was sampling while on the road. I never truly stuck to the concept and as time passed I allowed my muse to wonder all over the place. I have talked about reality television, including American Idol and Kate and her brood. I have written about modern day pirates and rogues. I have detailed my travels and my life experiences. I wrote a detailed rambling and journal of my 1969 trip to Woodstock and I have on at least two occasions, went into some of the history of my father's family. Along the way I have talked about beer and thingsbeer ( a term I coined actually). I have to admit that it has never truly taken flight. I have ranted. I have bemoaned. I have written about the people and places I have worked and I have written of things that somehow mean something to me but not always to anyone else. Few people actually read these meanderings. I have fantasized about my dream to open a brewery (now to be called Big Cat Brewing Company) and or be a television personality. I have written about wrestling as well as my favorite college's sports teams. I have talked about some of my pub crawls as well as bragged upon places that I have been. I have written about some of my favorite watering holes. Yes it is mostly blabble but it is my blabble.
My wife has set me up with facebook and I now have learned enough to be able to follow tweets. Although I would like to think people would be interested in what I have had to say, I have come to the conclusion that today's people are more inclined to live on sound bites or short blurbs. Facebook and Twitter are certainly more suited for it. They would must rather see the movie than set and read the book. My wife still enters my facebook page and tends a garden/zoo and cafe for me. She has requested several people I have known in the past to be my "friends" Mostly they are kids (now adults) who I interacted with in the past. I am sure all of my "cute" sayings and posts there are mostly overlooked when they see how "in to" I am with my farm/zoo/cafe. Even still it is good to see that most of them are doing very well in life.

I have tried to advertise / promote this blog there. Thus far I have not had much success.
But yes I continue to write. I have not given up on my blog. At the very least I will write my 100th blog before I sign off. I tend to believe that my words will tend to live on and one day they will be reveled as what they are intended to be. .......New testaments of sorts.

In the mean while I will dream on and look forward to drinking a ice cold Big Cat..........

Ireland Forever (Erin Go Braugh)

The Third

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Steady Hand to Victory

Well it now soon to be St. Paddy's Day again. I have always been proud of my Irish heritage. I admit it was drummed into me by my grandfather and father. But then again Sullivan or O'Sullivan is the third most common Irish name (behind Murphy and Kelly) in the world. Walsh is the fourth most common Irish name and my great great great grandmother was a Walsh. My great great grandmother was an O'Keefe. O'Sullivan or Sullivan is derived from Súilleabháin an Irish Chieftain born in 1193. He is considered the Patriarch of the Clan. The name is Gaelic for "dark-eyed". O’Sullivan is an ancient family. It is universally agreed upon, by all credible annalists and historians, that it represents the most senior bloodline of the Gaelic families. The royal family of the Gaelic Celts in Ireland was known as the Eoghanacht (pronounced Owen-noct), the descendants of Eoghan (pronounced Owen). The most senior branch of the Eoghanacht was the O’Sullivan clan. The significance of this can only be appreciated by comparing the status of the old Irish aristocracy with that of the rest of Europe. If the Irish had followed the English system of royal descent by primogeniture, and if Ireland had maintained its independence from England, an O’Sullivan would be king of Ireland today.
Only a few Irish families have received a battle flag.
Ours is shown above. If I ever were to get a tattoo that is what I would get.

There are three Septs of the family.




My branch of the O'Sullivan family tree is from the latter. The O'Sullivan-Beare Sept of the family hails from Counties Cork and Kerry. My great great grandfather (Michael Tomas O'Sullivan) was from County Cork. The family crest shown is the crest of O'Sullivan-Beare sept.

Tartans or family plaids are an old Celtic tradition. Nearly every family in Scotland has a family Tartan. In many cases they have several different ones. A hunting tartan or a formal tartan etc. Most families in Ireland have tartans. Only one Irish Family has more than one.

These tartans can be worn as ties or jackets, scarfs, hats and of course kilts. Theoretically one should only wear a tartan of his or her family or Sept. Or one can wear their country's tartan or the tartan of the County of their family's origin.

I have always fantasized that one day I would be wealthy enough to owned a full kilt kit. The kilt would be made of my family's tartan. I have several to choose from.

Pog Mo Thoin

The Third