Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resolutions, Revolutions & Revelations

I have found that my last few blogs are substantially shorter than the bulk of my writings. The frequency of my postings attribute to my deductions that I should stop submitting long and drawn out epistles. So, one of my New Year's resolutions is to continue to blog but to keep each short and condensed. But I warn you....... Most people never follow through with ambitious resolutions.

As the New Year is upon us, I suppose I should state some of my resolutions. I am determined to make twenty ten a really good year. For the past four years, one or more of my children were getting married, getting pregnant, or giving birth. I guess that could happen this coming year as well, but a year off would be nice. But I have learned that what I want usually does not mean squat when it comes to my children. They tend to do what they do. I will concede that sometimes if I just go with the flow things are not all that bad either.

Over the past few years, I have come to the realization that my role in life has changed. It really does not seem that long ago when the Plaintiff placed a pair of booties on a six pack of beer and left them in my fridge. For the past 34 years I have been the very best father I know how to be. I guess my children are the only true judges if I was or not. I feel everyone should have a statement attributed to them. I hope that I shall be remembered by my statement "I have raised my children to be good parents" I recall picking each of the Mrs. The Third's daughters up as they were sleeping leaning against a cold window. They had been looking into a parking lot hoping to see their biological father to arrive as he had promised. That was the day they became my daughters and I became a father again. As I drove to my home in Spring, Texas after the Mrs. The Third delivered our last child, I cried as I heard Joe Cocker singing. Once again I continued my fatherhood. My youngest is nearly 20 years old and soon I will no longer have a teenager in my family. Yes, I am still a father but now a father to adults. I used to tell them I am not here to be your friend but to be your parent. Now I must admit the opposite applies.
I am not trying to be sappy here. I love, with every parcel of my being, my four children. I have given them everything I have had to give them. I do not own many material things, but I shall leave whatever that is to them when I am gone. They should remember one thing though. I never had nor do I have the word "STUPID" tattooed on my forehead and frankly I am vastly more intelligent than any of them realize. I find that trying to prove that fact is not worth the effort. One day the light will come on for them. I know it. I am confident of that.

So,I hereby submit my 2010 New Year's Resolutions:

1. Loose weight. (I am determined to loose 30% of my total body weight as of January 1.) (I weigh 231 pounds today.)

2. Blog less but more often (ok I already stated that one)

3. Brew my own beer.
4. Drink less but more beers.

5. Get a real job.

6. Plant a vegetable garden / hop garden

7. Go back to Church

8. Go to Doctor and have an actual physical.

9. Play my guitar and mandolin more often. Maybe find someone to play with.
10. Write a song. I mean a real song that people will actually like. Maybe it could be about an astronaut or something. Oh shit, that has been done. (The Rock Star Mentality just told me that that comment was "messed up")

11. Change the world......(I know that is a bold statement but I really do want to change the world)

So here we go...........

The Third

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