Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family Tradition...The Soaking of the Beans

Well today is the day that I once again re enact a family tradition. As I wrote in one of my earlier blogs (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti --December 22, 2008), a few minutes ago I poured a packet of "15 beans" beans into a pot and will soak them overnight. Thus the soaking of the beans. I know it sounds strange or hokey, but it really does mean something to me. Traditions are easy to establish, difficult to maintain, but nearly impossible to pass on. But I am trying.

Today has been a good day. We visted Austin. We had a great breakfast at Mimi's , made a beer run at Spec's, visted Austin Brew Supply, did some Christmas shopping, purchased a Honey Baked Ham and then took a trip to visit Uncle Billy's Brew and Que. I had looked on the internet and saw that they had one of my favorite beers on tap. Sadly they ran out two days ago. On my friend Matt's (who was visiting family in Western Pa.) recommendation, I tried the Hop Zombie IPA. It was pretty damn good. I did have my taste up for Hell in Keller though. Well at least I have a reason to return now.

Happy Christmas!!!!!! Kyleigh (Little Cat), Levi (Little Man), Sarah, Kimmie, Tommy, Kristina, Jennifer, Jim, and Ann......

Pax Omnem Per Terram

Big Cat, (The Third)

Post Script

Today is also Festivus. So as I gaze at my Festivus Pole, I extend a heart felt Happy Festivus.

"It's a Festivus for the rest of us"

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