Saturday, December 18, 2010

New England Beer Run

If you ever get a chance to visit the Detroit airport, I strongly suggest you take a side trip on the underground conveyor that leads from one terminal to another. It is a really cool light show and the music is pretty futuristic. It reminds me of one of the things you may find at a World's Fair or at a Disney park. It was during one of my lay overs at that airport that my journey for "craft beers" actually began. I had over an hour between flights so I decided that I would set at one of the over priced pubs/lounges. I ordered a Sam Adams Boston Lager. I was shocked at the $ 7.00 price. I drank the beer and then took in the aforementioned conveyor belt ride. I guess I drank the beer too fast because I recall the overwhelming hops taste after I belched. It was wonderful actually. I finally found a beer that tasted like that first beer I had experience back in Dulac, Louisiana (my very first blog "and so it begins") so many years earlier.I have been looking for more ever since. That overpriced beer begot The Brew Chronicles

Over the past two years (my first blog was December 15, 2008),I have rambled about many things and sometimes I actually discussed beer. I am no longer employed by the Power Load so I no longer travel across the country the way I used to and as a result I have lost the ability to discover new and wonderful offerings from the nation's craft breweries. I have to rely upon what is available locally and the good nature of my former work mates.

About a year ago I gave $ 40 dollars to a coworker. I was assigned to a project in Texas and was not going to a job in Northern California. I located a liquor store within a mile from where the motel my coworkers were to be staying. Along with the cash, I gave a detailed maps and a "wish list" to my co worker and I asked that he drop by the liquor store and pick up a few bombers of beers that are not available anywhere near where I live. I once sold him a car for $ 400.00 wherein he paid me in installment over the course of a year or so. I sort of felt that "he owed me one" Although he had six nights to do the favor for me, it seems he was "too tired" to take ten minutes out of his day on my behalf. I never got my Pliny the Elder and I never got the $ 40 back either. He ended up giving the money to another fellow employee who assured him that he would return it to me. (which did not happen). He now seems offended that I would mention this or that I might besmirch his name or good nature, If I had offended him, I apologize.

My son in law , The Big Ranch is currently working in a small town just south of Boston, Mass. I have given him $ 70.00 and a shopping list of some New England beers not available here. I have provided him the address of a beer store and I have even called the store and gave them my shopping list. (thanks Keith) . He called me last night and informed me that he had "my beer" He said that the store was less than two miles out of his way and that it only took a few minutes (since the beer was setting there waiting for him)

I am getting seven "six packs" of which I plan to make up "New England Mixer Six Packs" for The Jim, The New Mexican, Matt, a friend of mine who has introduced me to home brewing, and the owner of my local favorite pub. I plan on drinking the rest. Yum.

Here is what I am planning/hoping to get:

Gritty McDuff’s (Maine) - Original Pub Style -- This brewer has a cult following

Otter Creek (Vermont) - Alpine Black IPA . A real "Black" I.P.A. It is their Winter Ale

Blue Hill’s (Massachusetts) - IPA --This beer is brewed withing 5 miles of the liquor store

Long Trail (Vermont) - Double Bag Ale -- I have never drank a Long Trail beer. I want to.

Smuttynose (New Hampshire) - Old Brown Dog Ale -- The dog is actually named Olive

Haverhill (Massachusetts) – Homerun APA -- Never had one of these beers.

Wachusett (Massachusetts)- Black Shack Porter -- ditto

Two beers from Maine, two from Vermont, one from New Hampshire and three from Massachusetts. A true cornucopia of New England beer.

Atlas Liquors, Quincy, Ma ( less than a mile from where John Adams was born) is where my beers are coming.

I really tried to make the "beer run" for "The Big Ranch" as easy as possible. I would like to think that he may make a few more on his future sojourns. On the other hand I have to admit that the selection of various craft beers have significantly improved here in CenTex over the last several years.

Cheers... and Happy Birthday Bub.

The Third

Post Script:

If you are The Jim, The New Mexican, my friend Matt or one of the owners of O'Briens Pub, please try to still act surprised when I give you your New England Mixer.

1 comment:

  1. Its good that the internet gives you a page to lie about former coworkers.You must be the only person in the world to write a letter for proof of sale on a vehicle you didn`t receive payment for(that was $400.00 as negotiated and paid, not $500.00).Its a shame that a person who I have enjoyed having some of these beers with would treat a friend this way.Now,if you would be so kind to remove your shank from my back so this wound may heal. Thank You have a blessed day. from ~Tio~ least now you have one comment for your page p.s.s.that $40.00 will be paid to you as well
