Today, I took my annual pilgrimage to Austin and Honey Baked Hams. On the way back I stopped at Spec's and picked up a sixer of Abita's Christmas Ale (it is remarkable), A sixer of Harpoon UFO (Blue) for the wife and to my surprise I found a six pack of Moose Drool. I also purchased a twelve pack of Pearl (in cans).
Although it will be Number 18's first, I realize that tomorrow will be my sixtieth Christmas. Each one of them special. I don't recall any of them before I was 4 or 5. My grandchildren who will be celebrating their first or second Christmases probably will not recall tomorrow at all.
We are having a meager holiday and very few if any gifts will be exchanged. But in many ways this is going to be my favorite Christmas of all.
I have the glorious honor to have three beautiful grandchildren. They are my gifts. The very best kind.
Merry Christmas to everyone but especially to Kyleigh Marie, Levi Rafe and Hastin Duane. Big Cat loves each of you more than mere words could ever say

Cheers (Christmas)
The Third
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