Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calling a Spade a Spade

Yesterday, while I was goofing off , my wife turned the TV on to a reality show called "Kendra". It is a spin off show of The Girls Next Door. Kendra Wilkinson is a 2003 high school graduate from San Diego, California. Back in 2005 when she was still too young to legally drink, she attended a party at the Playboy Mansion and caught the eye of a 78 year old Hugh Hefner. Shortly thereafter she became a live in girlfriend (along with two other young girls) of The Hef and a a reality show followed. She has since split with Hefner and is engaged to marry a NFL football player. She is planning a wedding this month and ole Hugh is giving the bride away. She claims she lost her virginity at the age of 14 and was indeed sexually active with the aforementioned Mr. Hefner. In turn his production company and his money established her notoriety as well as leasing the house she currently lives in and the nice new Lexus she drives. Where I come from if you have sex for money it qualifies you for the title of (wait for it ).....................................................WHORE !

Well to be honest it is pretty well established that whores have been around longer than brewers.

Over the last few weeks I have been re-living my times back in the Summer of 69. I have been listening to a lot of music from that era and of course music from the soundtrack of the movie "Woodstock"

I have read over my most recent posting and I have to admit that my writing style is not as fabulous as I had convinced myself that it was. What prompted me to write about my experience was a conversation I had with the Prodigy a few weeks ago. She stated that she never recalled me discussing that I actually went to Woodstock before. I tend to be pretty open about my life's experiences. I just have not discussed my Woodstock experiences very often, at least not up until recently. I have mentioned it to her before but she does not seem to recall it.

I bring all of this up somewhat as an apology for my scribblings. It was way too long and convoluted. I could just as easily stated "I heard about it. I planned to go. I went. I had a great time. I returned. It was cool." I could have but for some strange reason I wanted to relive the experience more in detail. I suppose this being the 40th anniversary and all might be the culprit.

I mentioned the use of "herbs" a few times in my last post. Yes I admit it I did inhale. It has been quite a while since I did. I am neither bragging or making an excuse about my use of it back then. It was just what we did. If it should come out when I am a popular reality star I feel my honesty about it now will make the media purge more bearable.

I guess you can see I have not submitted many postings of late. I certainly have had the time. I just have lost the muse. It is frustrating actually. My wife was beginning to believe I really was writing my blogs and not perusing Internet porn. I avoid Internet porn now days since I hear it is laden with computer viruses and such. I really am trying to keep this blogging machine as clean as possible. But then again perhaps I should "google" for some Kendra Wilkinson nude pics. I need to see who my competition is.

The "Chronicles" are coming.

The Third

Post Script

Beginning on June 1 I began a "casual" diet. I am attempting to loose some weight. As a result my beer consumption has diminished.(I do not drink any during the week (Monday-Thursday). I did purchase a sixer of Mothership Wit this past weekend. For an organic Beer it was awesome.


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