Well, once again I begin penning a new testament. As I have stated previously, my "blog" is a work in progress and since no one may ever actually read any of this or take it seriously, I must state this, my opus, is for no one other than yours truly. Perhaps one day in the distant future I may assemble my ramblings into one single volume and who knows....
The Christmas season has finally begun for me. My personal family history dictates that the season begins on December 13. That is my younger brother's birthday. Johnny hated his birthdays because in addition to his birthday gifts, he always received extra gifts which consisted of mostly ornaments and lights. John Lane is gone from this life but I must admit that when I see Christmas lights I always think of my departed brother. December 18th plays another significant part in my life. For some strange reason, I am drawn to this date. December 18 is actually the day I first met my wife. So I guess the day is still big. Several years back my Dad mailed to me a $ 1.49 bag of "15" bean soup. I received it on the 22nd of December and I recall that I ended up following it's directions and made a pot of bean soup on Christmas Eve. Now over 20 years later, I still do. The beans need to be soaked overnight so I do that on the 23rd and then mess up the kitchen on the next day. So the annual "soaking of the beans" has become my own Christmas tradition.http://www.nkhurst.com/products.aspI give this tradition to anyone who wants its. My wife hates cleaning the mess and my daughters do not like beans or soup. So I suppose the tradition will die with me.
I would think most persons at one time in their life, has some sort of traditional thing. A lot of tradition surrounds the Christmas holidays. As I grew up, Christmas eve always found my mother, father , brother and I visiting my my Aunt Pete (my Mother's sister) and Uncle "Jay". Later the Christmas gathering was at my Uncle Claude and Aunt Mable's down in the "country". I guess the older you get the less certain traditions are in fact traditional. Then again people do die so you can no longer gather at their house. Or in Aunt Mable and Uncle Claude's house, it blew up. That's another story I suppose.

I am a convert to the Catholic faith. For many years I was a "religious education" teacher (actually "certified" by the Cardinal) at my parish. I feel that I did at least an adequate job. I was the only teacher the kids had that would teach them religion as well as instructing them on the fine qualities of a good cigars and good beer. Now you may be offended or think less of me but somehow, I made it work. The facts speak for themselves. Two of my former students are currently in the Seminary studying to become Catholic Priests. Another is seriously contemplating the priesthood. Jeff, one of the two former students in Seminary

Lately there seems to be a significant amount of uproar from some hard core and possibly not so hard core Christians as if "their holy day" is being taken over. The truth is that the day was a Pagan holiday a long time before the Papist or the Jingle Bell Protestants decided to dilute it by placing such a significant event to it. Personally I feel the celebration of the day of Christ's birth is far less important that the actual life of God made Man (Emanuel) and the sacrifice that he made.
Enough of my Religious rant.
A lot of good beer is brewed in connection with the holidays and to me, that is a good thing, regardless if you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Heretic or Pagan.
With all of this aside, I set here staring at my computer screen and and contemplating the perfect Christmas or Solis Invicti wish. My mind is blank as I look forward to the next few days being spent with my two oldest daughters and one of my sons in law. (I am looking forward to both their arrival and departure). I have many beer (s) for The Jim to sample. I have a case of a beer from the oldest brewery in America (as one of his gifts). I sure hope he does not read this...It would ruin his surprise. Anyway....... Only one thing come to mind and I shall leave on that note.....
Pax Omnem Per Terram
The Third.
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