June, 1971. Like most guys I inherited the old family car. a 1965 Blue with White top four door hard top beast that screamed " Mommy and Daddy". It had a 283 four barrel and was in mint condition. It ran like a "spotted ape". I drove it for a year or so and because it only got about about 10 MPG my parents decided that I should get rid of it and get another. So I put a bid in on my Dad's soon to be retired 1968 Impala with almost 65,000 miles on it. I won the bid ($ 1,300.00). It got nearly 12 MPG so I could save some money since gas was going up to nearly 19 cents per gallon. The second day I had my new white land ship, my parents and little brother left for a two week trip to Colorado. I had heard of this heavenly brew available only in Colorado. It was called Coors. I asked my father to bring me back a six pack. That evening my best friend and I were going to prowl in my new

As I have stated in a previous epistle, There was not too much to choose from as far a beer was concerned. Forget if the beer tasted good or if you like it or not. It was was what was cool to drink that made your choice. You good get Falstaff, Hamm's Busch Bavarian, Old M

Now let me stop here and state that I find no cause for me to rate any of the national brands of Beer. They all taste good ( or close to it) and available everywhere. Some "Beer snobs" will put them down and I will too from time to time. The best analogy I can use is this:
You can go to the grocery store and purchase a Betty Croker Cake mix. You can take it home and if you follow the directions correctly you can make a good tasting and attractive cake.

I reckon the oldest actual friend I have in this life is Terry. We have known each other since we were both in diapers. The last time I have actually seen or spoken to him was in June 1980. I hope he is well. Close friend eh? While in college Terry and I happened to be attending the same university. He had a roommate whom I later learned lived only a few blocks from my girlfriend, wife, ex. In a short time, Larry became my very best friend and ultimately he an I became roommates as well. In the Spring of 1972 we began talking about going on a Summer trip that would take us to Alaska. As we continued to plan and look at the time we would have allotted as well as our finances, the trip shrunk to the Cascades N.P. being our final destination, then Yellowstone N.P., then The Grand Tetons N.P. We finally had our trip planned and we had two whole weeks to camp and explore. Shit Happens as they say and our dear friend Terry a

At least I could find some Coor's.
We left right after the reception at about nine thirty. We told each other we would stop whenever we got tired but we never did. We drove his loaded down blue/green VW. As we crossed the plains of Kansas, I tried to understand why anyone w

So it was August 29, 1972. My uncle Calvin's birthday and the day before my 21st. Larry's birthday fell within that nine day span of my friends Steve and Gary. So we decided to celebrate in Estes Park Colorado. It must have been around one or so and we strolled into what we perceived to be a pretty cool place. Larry purchased us a couple of Colorado Kool-Aids and we settle down into our chairs. The next round was on me so I walked to the bar and asked for two more Coor's. "You 21?" he asked. "Will be tomorrow" I proclaimed proudly. "Then you need to leave....NOW!" "Damn I will be 21 tomorrow" I said. He asked me where I was from and I told him Louisiana. He then explained something to me that I never really stopped to realize. Each state has it own peculiar laws regarding alcohol. Although you could legally purchase beer in the Bayou State at 18 years of age, you had to be 21 in Colorado and the law was strictly enforced. Actually the law in Louisiana was that you could purchase only beer in a liquor store or other retail outlet if you were under the age of 21 but over 18. In a bar you could purchase wine or a mixed drink but not a straight shot of liquor unless you were 21. So Larry and I were essentially thrown out of the bar. So we left with our tails tucked behind us. Come to

The next day, my 21st birthday I was insistent on returning to the bar Larry and I were asked to leave the day before. Larry was not too cool on the idea. Hell we could go anywhere, but I wanted to go. So on we went. When we walked in the bartender shouted "Happy Birthday" and he asked me to come over to the bar. He told me he apologized about being an asshole the day before. I told him it was no big deal. He told me to make it up and since it was my birthday, He would give me a pitcher of Coor's "on the house" or... We could drink Oly on the house for free. Once again "Such a Deal"
My Rating: AWESOME (hell it was free) Olympia is no longer. Yes you can find Olympia as well as Lone Star, Pearl, Rolling Rock and Stroh's but I feel they are not the same if someone else is brewing it.
The funny thing is, although it really was my birthday, the bartender never did ask to see my I.D.
Later Gator..... The Third
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