Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Popcorn and Beer

The picture on the left is one of the last taken of Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton. He is considered the best and most famous moonshiner that ever lived. I know that he had little or anything to do with craft beer but I sort of like the picture.......He was arrested and face multiple years in Federal Penitentiary so he committed suicide in 2009 instead of doing the time.

Every parent of multiple children is eventually asked “Mommy (or Daddy) which one of us do you love the most?” The standard answer is “Well I love you all the same.” In my case I would look to see which of my children was not present and I would say “ Well since you asked, I love Kimberly (or Sarah or Kristina or Jennifer)the most.

I am now entering my fourth year as a blogger. I have posted several times regarding my top ten or favorite beers. My former employer, The Power Load, provided me the opportunity to obtain many beers that were not available where I currently live. Although it may appear otherwise, I really did not abuse my privileges while employed with them. Yes I transported some beer in the cargo area of the trucks I drove from time to time, but I did not drive out of the way to find some obscure brewery, beer store or brew pub. I never drove a company vehicle after drinking even one beer, I always had someone else to drive. As I have stated in previous blogs, I would constantly purchase a lot of different beers while on the road. Upon learning of where our jobs would be, I would begin researching what beers would be available and determined the proximity of local brew pubs and breweries. Although I certainly drank several of them while “on the road”, the vast majority of them were brought back home with me in which I distributed many of them to my local friends and associates. My brother in law's (boss) father also worked for us. He was such a jovial and congenial soul but I tend to believe he may have relayed that he had seen me hoisting and packing multiple six packs to my motel rooms from time to time. I supposed it could be assumed I sat in my room and swilled all of them down and would arrive to work the next day still intoxicated. That is not true of course, but people can and will believe what they want to believe. With the Power Load that was generally the rule of thumb.

I would be willing to submit that regardless of where you live, you would not have access to every beer being brewed. I used to believe that a beer bar would only be better if it had more tap heads. I now believe too many could be confusing.

In my travels I attempted to visit as many micro breweries and brew pubs that I could. Most of my fellow employees were not as exited or enamored with my hobby/vocation so my opportunities were limited. They were perfectly happy to set in their rooms and smoke weed or drink Miller Lite/Silver Bullets or Bud Light.

I still visited nearly a hundred different places over a nearly five year period.

So, since I am renewing my efforts here at The Brew Chronicles, I hereby submit my top breweries/brew pubs.

Now let me first say that just as my children, there is not such a thing as my favorite. Each is good in it’s on way. But this list expresses my preferences.

Top Three (in no particular order)

Magic Hat – South Burlington , Vermont

This brewery is located in South Burlington Vermont. Their flagship beer is Number 9 but they make a ton of other beers. I like Circus Boy, (heffy) and Roxy Roller. Number 9 is now available here in Temple but the others are usually only found in a 12 pack mixer. They make a beer using beets Wacko and to be honest, I am not real fond of it. It actually tastes pretty good but the thought of drinking beets does not set well with me

I visited this brewery/brew pub on the way home from a job in New Hampshire back in 2006. I had two totally useless co workers with me. Although neither of them was aware of it, both were actually already fired. We left Laconia, NH on the way back home. We arvived in South Burlington just before midnight and I went inside and had one beer while they sat in the truck outside, A Roxy Roller (which they no longer brew) and then I got back in the truck and let one of the other guys drive.It is my desire to return and spend more time. This brewery is what I would think all brewers want to do. They exhibit the true joy of brewing and their offerings are always fantastic. I tend to believe that the brewers smoke a lot of weed as they concoct the new beers.

Odell – Fort Collins, Colorado

Colorado has a lot of really good breweries. The largest single brewery in the world is located in Colorado (Coors ,located in Golden) Denver has several breweries as well as Boulder. Fort Collins has four craft breweries, a brew pub downtown and a large Anheuser Busch plant out on I-25. Fort Collins is home to New Belgium Brewery brewers of Fat Tire. It is the home of Colorado State University. It is a beer town.

But my favorite is a smaller brewery down the street from New Belgium. If I truly have to choose my favorite I am pretty sure this would be the one.

In early Spring of 2008 I was driving the company truck from Temple to Ogden, Utah. I had two passengers, neither were beer lovers. We left about 2:00AM with plans to spend the night in Fort Collins. The next day we would drive on into Ogden. I had done some research and I had mapped out a couple of places I wanted to stop along the way. The first one was in tiny Trinidad, Colorado. I had heard a lot of good things about a small brewery located there know as Trinidad Brewery. We arrived around 1:30 in the afternoon and when I finally pulled in front of the brewery I realized that they were closed. We continued up I 25. I would return to Trinidad Brewery a year later and this time they were open. I drank a Wee Lassie Scottish Ale and purchased a cool tee shirt. The brewery is now closed. I knew that the tasting room for Odell would close around 6:00 PM and I knew that the New Belgium tasting room was closed on Monday. It was pretty obvious that we barely make Fort Collins by 6:00 PM. I had been driving for over 12 hours straight as we entered Denver. I switched to the passenger seat and let one of the other fellows drive. I directed him to nearby Longmont, just off of the interstate and before long we were arriving at Left Hand Brewery. We were there about 20 minutes, long enough for me to drink a beer and purchase a pint glass and a high dollar tee shirt. From there we drove another 40 miles or so to our motel rooms in Fort Collins. It was about 15 minutes before Odell would be closing and I contemplated dropping the guys off and at least driving the two miles to the brewery. But they wanted fried chicken so they dropped me off instead and I checked into the motel. About an hour later they returned the keys to the truck and I decided to at least drive by Odell’s and New Belgium. Both were less than two miles from the motel and on the way to Coopersmith’s a place my sister in law recommend that I eat. As I drove the truck for the first time in over 4 hours or so, I noticed a grinding sound emendating from the brakes. I instantly knew something was wrong and as I pulled into the parking space at Coopersmith’s, I called my brother in law (and boss) to tell him the news. He was somewhere in Kansas and was also driving to Utah. He informed me that he would be passing through Fort Collins in about 2-3 hours. I told him I would see him then.

Tony showed up about 9:00 PM and checked the truck out and determined that my diagnosis was correct. He directed me to call “the office” the next morning and have them locate a repair shop I should go to. I told him I was perfectly capable of finding a place but he was insistent that I leave that task to the office staff.

I called my travel mates and told them that they could sleep in the next day.

Early the next morning I did as I was instructed and the office staff directed me to East Lincoln Auto Repair. To my surprise, the repair shop was across the street and within one hundred yards from Odell Brewing Company. (Keep in mind, I did not choose the repair shop). I sat and waited for a few hours as the shop worked on the brakes. Around 10 I walked over to Odell and I drank a beer (IPA) and purchased a cool tee shirt. I walked back over to the shop and I was informed that the truck would be ready around noon. My travel mates called and informed me that they needed to check out of their room by noon. I told the people at the shop so one of their employees drove me back over to the motel to retrieve my co workers. As we drove back I instructed the driver to drop me off at New Belgium Brewery were I drank six or seven small samples of their beer(all free), I bought a tee shirt and cap. My coworkers arrived with the truck shortly after noon and off we went.

I have never drank an Odell beer that wasn’t fantastic. Their flagship beer is called 90 Shillings. Their beers are NOT available here in Texas and each time I have family of friends traveling out West, I plead to have them bring me some back. I strongly recommend any and all of their beers. My very favorite beers of all time, Myrcenary Double IPA, is made by Odell Brewery. The people behind the bar were not that friendly and I much preferred the guy at New Belgium which is less than a 1/4 mile away.

Deschutes – Bend, Oregon

I discovered this brewery and their beers back in the summer of 2006 while I was working in the Los Angeles area.. Everything they make is so damn good. Their brewery is located along the Deschutes River in Bend. Oregon. I have yet to visit their brewery but I did have occasion to visit their Public House in the Pearl District of Portland. It had only been open a few weeks when I visited and I really was impressed. I ordered a 9 beer sampler and I was able to drink some of the breweries offering that you can find nowhere other than the tap house of the brewery. I tried a new offering called The Dissident. The food was very very good and I strongly advise a visit to the Public House on visits to the beer rich city of Portland, Oregon. The urinals are massive and worth a trip just to see them. This breweries flagship beers are Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale. Trust me you will never go wrong by purchasing any of their brews. This was the brewery product I looked for more than any other when I traveled out West (Until I discovered Odell in 2007). Now days you can find Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale pretty much all over these parts. Occasionally you can find Red Chair NWPA (Spring Seasonal). Twilight (Summer Seasonal), Hop Trip (Fall Seasonal) and Jubeale (Winter Seasonal) as well as Inverness IPA. If you are lucky to find one of those you need to jump all over them. One last thing. If you are a true"Hop Head", it is your duty to make a pilgrimage to Portland Oregon. With 35 microbreweries you are bound to find one you like.

There are other breweries that deserve to be mentioned:

Always Consistent and available all over now a days.

Sierra Nevada- Chico, California (I have been there) Their beer is just about found anywhere. My wife and I both like Summerfest and Celebration Ale is damn good too. Their heffy is about as good as it gets

New Belgium – Fort Collins, Colorado (I have been there, see above) Fat Tire is a good beer but I suggest Snow Day as well as Ranger IPA.

Boulevard – Kansas City, Mo. (I have been there) Their Bully Porter is as good as it gets and Double Wide IPA is probably the least hoppy IPA that you can find. All of their beers are good. I would suggest a 12 pack mixer as a starter.

Spotezel – Shiner, Texas (I have been there) I have been drinking Shiner Bock for years I particularly like their Celebration Winter Beer and 101. I do not like Ruby Red. Somethings should not be in beer such as grapefruit and ginger.

Big Sky – Missoula, Montana (I have been there) This is the brewer of Moose Drool Brown Ale but I suggest Trout Slayer Ale.

If you can find one buy it: Hard to find and probably not available in Texas

Goose Island – Chicago, Illinois (I have been to Tap House at O’Hara Airport). 312 is probably my favorite heffy ...well at least it is close with Circus Boy from Magic Hat and Kellerwies from Sierra Nevada. Check out Honker Ale if you can.

Bell’s Brewery - Kalamazoo, Michigan. If you ever see a beer made by this brewery....BUY IT! Hopslam Ale, Two Hearted Ale and Obsidian Stout are all very good. I particularly love their Octoberfest Beer.

Smuttynose - Portsmouth, New Hamshire. The dog's name is Olive, This is a hard one to find outside of New England. I recommend anything they brew. I know I say that a lot but the fact is anything they brew is worth your money and time.

Firestone Walker – Paso Robles, California (I have been there) We had a job in Paso Roble. (The job went to shit by the way) The city and the area around it is known for it wonderful Central Coast wines. This brewery is owned by one of the local wineries but their beer is outstanding. They make a couple of IPAs but the one you really need to try is Union Jack. If you ever find one you really need to jump all over it. Most of the beers from this brewery is the Pale Ale variety and or IPAs. In other words if you like hops you will love this brewery.

Alaskan - Juneau, Alaska. I have drank a lot of their beers when I visit out West. For some reason it is difficult for me to drink the first Amber but the rest really go down well. Their Christmas Ale tastes like a Christmas tree and is very good. I am really fond of their Summer Ale and White Ale.

Summit – Saint Paul, Minnesota (I have been there) This brewery is close to the Minneapolis St Paul Airport. Occasionally I find this beer on tap at the local pub. This is very good beer and once again I strongly suggest you try it.

Otter Creek -Middlebury, Vermont I discovered this beer on a trip to Maryland a few years ago. All I can say is if you see the label...buy it. I have seen this beer a Spec's in Austin, Texas

Others that I recommend.

Thirty Planet - Texas

512 - Texas

Abita - Louisiana

Stone - California

Left Hand - Colorado

Boulder - Colorado

Rogue - Oregon

North Coast - California

Anchor - California

St. Arnold's - Texas

Long Trail - Vermont

Fort Collins - Colorado

Santa Fe- New Mexico

Hales Ales - Washington

Cigar City -Florida

Uncle Billy's - Texas

Harpoon - Massachusetts

Bridgeport - Oregon

Shafly - Missouri

Flying Monkey - Kansas

I know I have listed a lot of breweries but I can honestly say that regardless of what you chose, you will be pleased.

Yes, I know you can take the safe approach but I recommend that when you travel that you should either look for an upscale grocery store or a nice liquor store and try out a few "different" beers, I am sure you will be very surprised.

Looking forward to next year and next beer....

The Third

Friday, December 23, 2011

Here We Go Again and Again and Again

I had pretty much put my blog "to rest" but this morning I woke up with a renewed vigor. I have been a funk for far too long. I look at many reasons for it but perhaps I have overlooked my lack of blogging as a culprit.

I realize that my blog is now in it's fourth year and I think that alone should be the impetuous for it's continuance. For that reason, I am picking up the keyboard again and I will be reviving The Chronicles. But for this posting, I have copied and pasted my Christmas/Festivus postings over the past three years. I made some insertions in each to update. The insertions are in bold italic......

Twenty three years ago today, The Mrs. The Third and I were living in at The Marymont in a small town northwest of Houston. She would allow her two children's "dad" exercise his "selective" visitation rights and take the two girls to his house for the Christmas holiday. He selected when he wanted to parade his children around his mother to show her how dutiful of a father he was. He also selected not to provide any financial support and he was selective in being involved and many aspects of our children's lives. Nowadays he tends to forget all of that baggage. I guess time, money and a fifth wife helps to fade some things.

It was a strange "Christmas". It would be the first that The Mrs The Third would spend without her children and the first she would spend with me. After the girls were gone we walked a few blocks to a small store and purchased a dried up skinny tree, a couple of strings of lights and two cheap and inexpensive ornaments. To this day, the red and blue "pitchers" find a place at the top of each of our subsequent trees...

This year finds the bride and I are alone together again. Our tree, given to us by our youngest daughter, has the two original ornaments at it's very top. There are several strings of lights and other ornaments collected over the years. There are multiple "baby's first Christmas" ornaments along with a cone from a giant Sequoia. There are pictures of our children attached to tree hangers and many handmade hangers brought home from school by our children. The tree is dried and beginning to smell. It will be out of the house on the 26th.

We purchased the 15 bean mix yesterday and will be soaking them tonight. The Soaking of the Beans. As much as my wife hates the mess I make, she does look forward to the bean soup.

Monday, December 22, 2008 (re-visited and edited)

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

Well, once again I begin penning a new testament. As I have stated previously, my "blog" is a work in progress and since no one may ever actually read any of this or take it seriously, I must state this, my opus, is for no one other than yours truly. Perhaps one day in the distant future I may assemble my ramblings into one single volume and who knows....

The Christmas season has finally begun for me. My personal family history dictates that the season begins on December 13. That is my younger brother's birthday. Johnny hated his birthdays because in addition to his birthday gifts, he always received extra gifts which consisted of mostly ornaments and lights. John Lane is gone from this life but I must admit that when I see Christmas lights I always think of my departed brother.

2011--My second granddaughter Olivia Grace (chucknorris) was born on December 13, 2011 her "Great Uncle Dee's" birthday. She has made my brother's birthday now become hers. Since Johnny's passing, that day has always been bittersweet. Miss O G has given me a gift I never fathomed would be so special. I know that she is not my first grandchild (although she is Mama She She's first) but she is special because she is my "first's" " first". I look forward to next December 13 when I can give her Christmas lights and ornaments. Better yet I look forward to the December 13 in the future when she too will be pissed that Big Cat gave her Christmas light and ornaments. The Circle of Life music should be playing right now.

December 18th plays another significant part in my life. For some strange reason, I am drawn to this date. December 18 is actually the day I first met my wife. So I guess the day is still big. Several years back my Dad mailed to me a $ 1.49 bag of "15" bean soup. I received it on the 22nd of December and I recall that I ended up following it's directions and made a pot of bean soup on Christmas Eve. Now over 20 years later, I still do. The beans need to be soaked overnight so I do that on the 23rd and then mess up the kitchen on the next day. So the annual "soaking of the beans" has become my own Christmas tradition.http://www.nkhurst.com/products.aspI give this tradition to anyone who wants its. My wife hates cleaning the mess and my daughters do not like beans or soup. So I suppose the tradition will die with me.

I would think most persons at one time in their life, has some sort of traditional thing. A lot of tradition surrounds the Christmas holidays. As I grew up, Christmas eve always found my mother, father , brother and I visiting my my Aunt Pete (my Mother's sister) and Uncle "Jay".

2011: --My Aunt Pete, the last of my mother's siblings, died on June 24, 2011. The 31st anniversary of my mother and brother's deaths. Vivian was 92. I miss her like crazy. Somehow I hope to find or receive her pastries recipes.

Later the Christmas gathering was at my Uncle Claude and Aunt Mable's down in the "country". I guess the older you get the less certain traditions are in fact traditional. Then again people do die so you can no longer gather at their house. Or in Aunt Mable and Uncle Claude's house, it blew up. That's another story I suppose.I am not fond of fake trees (well except the aluminum one my Aunt Pete had in her picture window.), nor do I care much for the statement that "Christmas is becoming more and more commercialized. " Of course it is commercialized. That started back in the Third Century.

I am a convert to the Catholic faith. For many years I was a "religious education" teacher (actually "certified" by the Cardinal). I feel that I did at least an adequate job. I was the only teacher the kids had that would teach them religion as well as instructing them on the fine qualities of a good cigars and good beer. Now you may be offended or think less of me but somehow, I made it work. The facts speak for themselves. Two of my former students are currently in the Seminary studying to become Catholic Priests. Another is seriously contemplating the priesthood. Jeff, one of the two former students in Seminary will be ordained, (I believe) sometime this coming year. He has a "Cuban" I once gave him and he swears he is waiting to smoke it upon his ordination. (I hope to be there).

2011:-- Jeff was ordained in 2009 and is a priest in the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. I was working at a job in Washington state when he was ordained and I was unable to attend his ordination. Although I have not spoken to him I did verify from his proud grandfather, Wilfred, that he indeed smoked the Cuban I had given to him on the day of his ordination. His grandmother asked me why I gave him such a filthy habit. I consider that comment a compliment.

My strange influence will somehow continue through this future Father and currently Deacon Jeff. Scary thought eh? it. Anita, Cody, Danielle, Matthew (Phatty), David and Adam are names of persons of whom I stood as Confirmation sponsor. Most Catholics are never asked by anyone to sponsor them for Confirmation. I do not claim to be real authority on any particular subject, but I do know certain things and I am not afraid to repeat such. First of all, the Bible (at least the Christian one) was written by Catholics. That is an undisputed fact. (Trust me I can prove it). Yes, it was edited by many including the Protest Ants. The actual date of Jesus' birthday is not contained anywhere within the bible. The sneaky fish eaters came up with a plan that ultimately stole the 25th of December form the Pagans. Now the Catholics do have a feast day (Holy day of obligation actually) called Annunciation (Luke, Chapter 1, verses 26-38). It is celebrated on March 25. So if you deduct nine months later you have December 25.

Lately there seems to be a significant amount of uproar from some hard core and possibly not so hard core Christians as if "their holy day" is being taken over. The truth is that the day was a Pagan holiday a long time before the Papist or the Jingle Bell Protestants decided to dilute it by placing such a significant event to it. Personally I feel the celebration of the day of Christ's birth is far less important that the actual life of God made Man (Emanuel) and the sacrifice that he made.

Enough of my Religious rant.

A lot of good beer is brewed in connection with the holidays and to me, that is a good thing, regardless if you are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Heretic or Pagan.

With all of this aside, I set here staring at my computer screen and and contemplating the perfect Christmas or Solis Invicti wish. My mind is blank as I look forward to the next few days being spent with my two oldest daughters and one of my sons in law.

2011: The Jim and The Prodigy along with their new addition "chucknorris" will not be here this year. The new baby is not yet two weeks old. The Prodigal will be spending Christmas Day with her loving and adoring father. The Rock Star Mentality,The New Mexican and their son Hayseed are visiting family in the snowy mountains of New Mexico. We will be visiting The Big Ranch, Jan Brady and Little Cat on Christmas morning. I hear we will be dinning on a traditional "brisket" meal.

(I am looking forward to both their arrival and departure). I have many beer (s) for The Jim to sample. I have a case of a beer from the oldest brewery in America (as one of his gifts). I sure hope he does not read this...It would ruin his surprise.

Wednesday,December 23, 2009 (re-visited and edited)

Family Tradition...The Soaking of the Beans

Well today is the day that I once again re enact a family tradition. As I wrote in one of my earlier blogs (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti --December 22, 2008), a few minutes ago I poured a packet of "15 beans" beans into a pot and will soak them overnight. Thus the soaking of the beans. I know it sounds strange or hokey, but it really does mean something to me. Traditions are easy to establish, difficult to maintain, and nearly impossible to pass on. But I am trying.

Today has been a good day. We visited Austin. We had a great breakfast at Mimi's , made a beer run at Spec's, visited Austin Brew Supply, did some Christmas shopping, purchased a Honey Baked Ham and then took a trip to visit Uncle Billy's Brew and Que. I had looked on the internet and saw that they had one of my favorite beers on tap. Sadly they ran out two days ago. On my friend Matt's (who was visiting family in Western Pa.) recommendation, I tried the Hop Zombie IPA. It was pretty damn good. I did have my taste up for Hell in Keller though. Well at least I have a reason to return now.

Happy Christmas!!!!!! Kyleigh (Little Cat), Levi (Little Man),Hastin (Hayseed), Olivia (chucknorris), Sarah, Travis, Kimmie, Tommy, Kristina, Jennifer, Jim, and Ann......

Friday, December 24,2010 (re-visited and edited)

First, Second and Sixtieth

Last night The Mrs The Third and i visited our grandson in the hospital. Hayseed is really doing well and I look forward to the day when he can go home to his mom and dad and none of the tubes and sensor wires are attached to him. I have a feeling it will not be too long actually. We took a red and white stocking cap(saying Baby's First Christmas) with us. We placed it on his head and took several pictures of him.

2011: --My grandson, Hayseed went home back in January, He has made unbelievable strides this year. I never thought I would be such a softy but each time I hold that boy I feel as if I am hold something so special that it could only be a gift from God.

Today, I took my annual pilgrimage to Austin and Honey Baked Hams. On the way back I stopped at Spec's and picked up a sixer of Abita's Christmas Ale (it is remarkable), A sixer of Harpoon UFO (Blue) for the wife and to my surprise I found a six pack of Moose Drool. I also purchased a twelve pack of Pearl (in cans).

2011:-- Due to our economic status and the condition of our tires on our car, I did not travel to Honey Baked Ham in Austin and purchase the annual ham. I truly miss it but I look forward to next year.

Although it will be Hayseed's first, I realize that tomorrow will be my sixtieth Christmas. Each one of them special. I don't recall any of them before I was 4 or 5. My grandchildren who will be celebrating their first or second Christmases probably will not recall tomorrow at all.

We are having a meager holiday and very few if any gifts will be exchanged. But in many ways this is going to be my favorite Christmas of all.

I have the glorious honor to have three (four) beautiful grandchildren. They are my gifts. The very best kind.

Cheers (Christmas)

So, there you have it. My 2011 Christmas edition blog.

Anyway....... Only one thing come to mind and I shall leave on that note.....

Pax Omnem Per Terram

The Third

Post Script: I am back.

So, there you have it. My 2011 Christmas edition blog.