Tuesday, August 24, 2010

TBC - Renewed, Revised, Revamped

I am close to posting my 100th posting. I am not too sure what that milestone entitles me to, or if it means much at all. At least I am no longer a "noob". I plan to pay homage to my son in law, The Jim and post pictures of a burning blue work shirt I still have from my former employer.

There have been times over the last 18 months or so when I was truly inspired and excited regarding this medium. I boasted to my friends and those who would listen, that "I had a "blog". Yes I realize a few people have taken a peek here from time to time but is not special enough to hold and keep readers. I have had to literally beg people to read it and then again I am not too sure many do. Even those who state I am a good writer rarely visit my site. I have one really good and loyal reader and that is.....me.

The concept at the "beginning" was to illustrate the various libations I drank during my travels. My in laws at the "Powerload" had given me a rare opportunity to travel extensively throughout the United States. From the time I first purchased a sixer of Alagash White in North Windham Maine, I have seized the chance to sample many beers. Many of my co workers, including "The Chief" would see me purchase multiple six packs of beer. They would see me taking my beers to my room. They concluded that I drank a hell of a lot. I did drink some of those beers but I usually brought most of them home with me. (Where I would share them with friends and of course drink as well) I would routinely smuggle many beers not available where I currently live, in my luggage, other peoples luggage, and various vehicles. I am sure a lot of the simple minded people with whom I worked with, were under the false belief that I was a lush and an incompetent. I actually was a very good worker. I took pride in my work accomplishments. While many coworkers were still up and carousing late at night, I was sound asleep and resting for the next day's work. I never drank beer and then drove any vehicle (including company vehicles) I never showed up to work under the influence of alcohol. I never missed a single day of work nor did I ever fail to arrive to work "on time". The truth of the matter was that I was generally one of the very first employees to arrive each morning. I am sure many thought that my obsession with beer would overshadow my work ethics. They were wrong. I am sure my former my in laws probably bought into it as well. They tended to always believe anything others may have whispered into their ears about me. Many of the the people I worked with would fabricate things about what I had done or said. The sad fact is what I allegedly did or said never happened. Unfortunately that did not stop my former bosses from accepting such as being factual. They still think that I bragged about my excessive pay or alleged ownership in their company. It is not true, but they sure as hell think it is. Denial on my part, only supports their misguided conviction regarding me. Oh well..."what are you gonna do?" I am far too old and stubborn to attempt to dispel such beliefs. I am disappointed but I will survive.

Moving on......but........The job gave me a wonderful opportunity to try many beers and it supplanted the seeds for The Brew Chronicles.

I worked with approximately 50 other employees from time to time. Those who drank beer (and most of them did) either drank Budweiser, Miller Lite or Michelob Ultra. I recall many instances setting around a pool in some obscure town with my portable collapsible ice chest with wheels filled with a few bottles of Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Lager, Odell's Cut Throat Porter, Tractor Brewery Farmer's Tan Red Ale and Long Trail Double Bags. Occasionally I might have a few bottles of "Lager". Rarely would anyone of my fellow employees ask to drink one of my "weird beers" That was ok with me.

In my previous posts, I intended to sprinkle a little of my personal history regarding my evolution with beer. I realize that those intentions were not completely fulfilled yet in a strange abstract way, they were. I began posting things completely off topic and I have strayed far from the original recipe.

Life does not follow a precise script. "Life is one huge ad lib" This blog is too. I have even changed the name and even the address of the blog. I began to rant about reality shows. I was being silly but at the same time I was truly expressing myself. During one or two of those rants I evolved to the idea of hosting a reality television show for myself and I elected to name it "The Brew Chronicles". The idea was simply a joke but as I continued my silly diatribe, I began to "buy into" my own bullshit. The idea was actually a pretty good one. Yes I did come up with it but I admit it is not that original. Others have had the same idea and frankly I am sure there are plenty of people who are more camera friendly and charismatic than yours truly. I could go on and concede that my dream/fantasy is just that and nothing more. But......

Regardless if anyone actually views my writing, I have plans to continue my blog and although I am sure I will from time to time sway far away from the precept (whatever it may actually be) I shall renew my efforts to develop the actual television version of The Brew Chronicles. I have let the momentum slow to a slow crawl.

But here goes....

One of the reality shows that really gets under my skin is Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. I never was much of a KISS fan. I never really thought they were a real rock and roll band. Now I realize that may stir some people up. But think about it. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has passed them over several times. This past year, ABBA made it in and KISS did not. They are the WWE of the Rock and Roll World. Everyone thinks they are not the real thing yet they still have huge fans. I like the people on the show, but the idea is stupid. And God help me but I have tried to understand the Kardasian "thing". I just have a few questions and yes I have to admit that it is in the spirit of my mother calling out to me. Do any of those privileged white girls ever sleep with people of their own race? Does one have to be a professional athlete and black to get their attention? Just because they have not one, but several reality shows, make then anything less than a who are? Say that over again perhaps you will "get" what I am implying. And finally, if they are so upset about the paparazzi, perhaps they should cancel their television contract and get a job flipping burgers at In and Out or perhaps a sales associate at American Eagle.

I could go on and on about reality shows. But I will not. I want to reserve that for a later post. I must say I am looking forward to Levi Johnston's new show. ...Well not really.

I too could be considered a celebrity. That could be my new occupation..

One of my favorite reality shows is Diner Drive-ins and Dives. I love to watch Guy show up in his bad ass Camaro. I must admit my concept of The Brew Chronicles appears to mirror his show. But I feel other than the litany of "places", our shows will differ substantially. I want to be the eyes and ears and particularly taste buds of the viewing audience. I want the type of places shown to be a wide variety. One segment may find me shoveling horse shit in the barns of A-B's clydesdales which would be followed by me placing bottles from a conveyor belt into boxes at a small brewery in Michigan. I could be shown listening to a band playing at a pub in Florida and then eating wild salmon at a back yard cook-out near Carmel, California or a tail gate party at a small college in Montana. Go Grizzlies! I want to open a show showing me working at a hop harvest in Oregon and then visiting a home brewing supply store in the Finger Lake Region of New York. I want to interview people who work in the bars and pubs as well as the patrons. I want to feature music from some of the bands that play in the pubs. I want to show meetings of various home brewer clubs and I want to show the behind the scenes of beer festivals. I want the show to develop over time. I want to have "catch phrases" like "E Vee Oh Oh" or Bam! or "Off the Hook" Of course my phrases will be uniquely mine. I want to feature people who are starting new breweries. I want to visit with the brewers, and the bankers. I want to feature breweries that have closed. I want to discuss the pitfalls and the perils of craft brewing and I want viewer feed back. In all what I want to do is to debunk preconceptions of thingsbeer (which by the way is a catch phrase invented right here on The Brew Chronicles.)

Now let me be the first to say that I do not have spiked platinum hair neither do I have any piercings or tattoos. I have a Southern drawl and I am nothing to look at. I am overweight and I have graying and thinning hair. Some even say I am bald. My voice is not always understandable as it should be. I am not some young good looking piece of eye candy. I am who I am.

I do not nor shall I ever claim that I am sort sort of Beer geek. The whole concept is that me, The Third your host, will always be wide eyed and in awe.

Stay Tuned

The Third

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