Saturday, February 7, 2009

Austin Texas pub Crawl, The First Act.

June 1964. My parents put me on a train in downtown Shreveport, Louisiana and I along with hundreds of other teen aged boys spent a few days in route to Valley Forge, Pa. and the National Jamboree. I may write more about this trip in future blurbs but the point of reference here is that prior to attending the Jamboree, we spent a few days in New York, New York. As a twelve year boy, I had my first 90 cent hamburger and first ginger ale. I discovered, much to my amazement, that the Statue of Liberty was actually green and not grey as I imagined it. We went to the top of the Empire State Building, United Nations, 1964 World's Fair and a double header with the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium. I heard the word "eclectic" for the first time. It was a word that I would have described "The Big Apple".

In my years of travel I have visited many other places, but few cities would be what I would refer to as eclectic. Portland, Oregon, ("the Micro Brew Capitol of the World"),_Oregon But then again a city a mere 70 miles from where I live, is as well. Austin is sometimes referred to as "The Live Music Capitol of the World" I guess if you are a "Capitol" it qualifies you to be "eclectic" (at least on my list). I find no other city that I have visited to compare with Portland. with the possible exception of Austin. With this in mind, my bride and I drove to Austin a week ago and ventured on a pub crawl.

Arnold (Arnoul) of Soissons or Arnold or Arnulf of Oudenburg (1040 — 1087) is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church . He is the patron saint of hop-pickers and Belgian brewers.

In Houston, Texas there is a brewery named St. Arnold (the oldest micro brewery in Texas, actualy) Every Saturday at 1:00 PM you can visit the brewery and lay down a half of a sawbuck for a 6 oz. gold trimmed St. Arnold taster glass and five wooden nickels. Once inside some guy in a kilt will give you 20-25 spiel on the way to brew beer and the life and times of dear old St. Arnold. Well it actaully seems that there were two of them.

Saint Arnulf of Metz is the one the Brewery takes their name from. The following story is not completely true but it is the one they (the brewery) tends to support.

Saint Arnold was born to a prominent Austrian family in the year 580. Even back in those days the Austrians were famous for their love of beer, and admired for their brewing prowess. Beer was a proud Austrian tradition that was not wasted on young Arnold.

As a young man, Arnold entered the priesthood and began moving his way up that earliest of all career ladders. At the age of 32, he was given the title Bishop, and in 612 was named "Arnold, Bishop of Metz." (Metz is in France.)

He is said to have spent his life warning peasants about the health hazards of drinking water. Water was not necessarily safe to drink during the dark ages, especially around towns and villages. Nasty stuff. Arnold always had the well-being of his followers close at heart.

Beer, on the other hand, was quite safe. Arnold frequently pointed this out to his congregation. He is credited with having once said, "From man's sweat and God's love, beer came into the world." It goes without saying that the people loved and revered Arnold.

In 627, Saint Arnold retired to a monastery near Remiremont, France, where he died and was buried in 640.

In 641, the citizens of Metz requested that Saint Arnold's body be exhumed and carried from the monastery to the town of Metz for reburial in their local church - The church where Arnold had so frequently preached the virtues of beer. Their request was granted.

It was a long and thirsty journey, especially since they were carrying a dead bishop. As the ceremonial procession passed through the town of Champignuelles, the tired processionals stopped for a rest and went into a tavern for a drink of their favorite beverage - Beer. Much to their dismay, they were informed that there was only one mug of beer left, and that they would have to share it. That mug never ran dry and the thirsty crowd was satisfied.

Every Saint needs a miracle. That's how the Church decides you are a Saint. The story of the miracle mug of beer spread and eventually Arnold was canonized by the Catholic Church for it.

Saint Arnold is recognized by the Catholic Church as the Patron Saint of Brewers.

It is true that St. Arnold of Metz. is also a canonized saint of the Roman Catholic Church.
Most painting and images of him show him with a rake which could be considered a "brewer's rake". There is really not much actual factual information to connect St. Arnold of Metz to beer other than the name and the images of the rake so for me I feel it is pretty much a stretch The owners of St. Arnold Brewery are probably Presbyterians anyway. But I can tell you they brew some mighty fine beer. Anyway back to the point. It seems you can bring your own "vessel" to this "tour" and it will be filled up once for each of the wooden nickels you have. You can bring food and set on the park benches and socialize and listen to the music they have provided. It is 'such a deal" and I recommend this to all of you.

Now back to my story.....

So we got up and I went and washed the car and filled it with gas. We left around 10:30 AM and our first stop on our tour was to be The Flying Saucier. While working on one of my earlier blogs I read that my very favorite beer could be found on tap there. They have about a hundred taps but none had # 9. I settled on a Allagash White. If you recall from one of my earlier blogs, (I'm Waiting on My Real Life to Begin) I mentioned it. the beer was good and it brought back some memories. I would like to go back to the Saucier.. It was nice and I really like the idea of the 200 beer club. We had chicken tenders and they were good. Then again Micky D's makes some pretty good tenders too and they are a lot cheaper. We continued our pub crawl to Barton Springs Drive among the rows and rows of trending Austin eateries and pubs. It seems that every one in Austin was on a pub crawl as well. The weather could not have been any better. It was perfect. we parked in front of the Bush Twin's favorite watering hole, Chueys, and we strolled a few blocks to Uncle Billy's Brew and Que. NOTE: at this point in writing my blog, my nine year old computer gave up the ghost. I mean it just stopped. I am writing this on my brother in law's lap top. so .... this blog will wait till I get back from El Paso and the bride and I can acquire another blogging machine.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to you The Jim.

the third see below there is more...

It is Friday February, 20, 2009 and I am now the proud owner of a new computer. Damn Sony makes everything. Rather than continue on this episode I am going to compose a new blog in next day or so and will continue with the story of the Austin Pub Crawl.
I spoke to my oldest daughter last evening and she tells me that my rants tend to ramble on. Well I thought about it awhile and here is my response.

again....see ya ! The Third

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