Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm Waiting for My Real Life to Begin

August, 1969, Shreveport, Louisiana. "Hail, Fair Park High School"

Our 18th birthdays were separated by nine days. Mine was the last (the 30th). We did what I guess all teen aged boys did in the late 60's. when they reached such a milestone, we registered for the draft (hoping not to be invited to the party being held in Southeast Asia) and went to a liquor store (Thrifty) and purchased some "legal" beer. I do not remember who was driving or whose car we were in but I do recall Steve purchased a Miller , Gary a Schlitz and I selected the Beer of Kings. You know the one in the Red White and Blue can. Each of us choosing a "Tall Boy" of the "Big Three" . That was the way it was in my small world. Not much choice but then again who needed choice. I chose a Bud because that is what my Dad drank. Gary chose Schlitz because it was the number one selling beer among our contemporaries, and Steve purchased a High Life just to be different from Gary and I. I suppose it was that night that "The Beer Run" began.Now let me take some time here to state my intentions and purpose of this and future blogs.
I suppose we have and should follow our muse. My inner desire is to be a traveling troubadour songwriter, musician , pop culture icon, Cool as Dylan, Cohen, and Reed but free of all the aloofness. My inner desire is to pen the ultimate novel for the ages and compose the one tune that will surpass all others. My inner desire is be an extremely generous contributor to good causes and charities. My inner desire is be completely free of personal ego and not have any hidden agenda other than pure good. My biggest inner desire is to be happy within my own skin and be able to lay my head down at night with peace in my heart. I want those whom I love to know I have, do and always will love them unconditionally. I want to contribute to something and be able to pay my bills and be with my friends, family and persons who I admire. Finally I want to live my life with the express desire to leave a legacy. My tombstone or monument should be the lives I have enriched.

Ok, so much for my desires. I just wanted to get that all out on the table.

"After all, it is not the find. It is the quest."

It should not take much to decipher what the name of my Blog Site implies. But for simplicities' sake My ramblings will primarily discuss the topic of Beer. For the past several years I have had the opportunity to work for a company that required that I travel a lot in the United States and even once to Canada. My very first assignment was in a small town in Maine (North Windham) the first week in December. (In all of my previous fifty five years I had never traveled further North than Memphis Tennessee during between October 1 and April 1.). Thirteen below zero was not as fun as I had perceived. While there I was dragged to the local Wal Mart. The persons I was with, my in laws ( who actually own the company I am employed.) were there to purchase new jeans and underwear. It was either that or wash what they had. While they shopped I wondered/wandered to the "Beer aisle" It was a true Epiphany. In front of me were brands of beer I have never heard of before. Smuttynose, Long Trail, Harpoon, Allagash and Magic Hat to name a few were setting side by side whispering " pick me, pick me". Not just brands, but "types" like Number 9, IPA, Milk Stout and Belgium White. I picked a "sixer" and took it back to my room. The damn beer had "spices" in it! (At least it did not have Milk in it.)When I returned to my room I put a few of them in an ice bucket and filled it with snow from outside my door. I liked it. My Rating: GOOD Available in the Northeast (New England States) and at up scale liquor stores in large (750 ML) single bottles(I found some in California) .

In future blogs I will attempt to relay to you the beers I have tried or experienced and what my opinion is of each. Keep in mind that my Father drove Chevy s and my Uncle preferred Fords. To each their own. Also I will attempt to relay where you can reasonably expect to find certain beers.

"Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinions" Larry Ryan, Dee Jay, KEEL, AM Radio Shreveport, La.

My opinion is simply that, my opinion. But I must warn you, if I say a beer is me it is. I recently drank a beer made in West Virginia. On the side of the bottle label they had written, " West Virginia deserves better beer". Well after one swallow I know they still do. My Rating : BAD Available in West Virginia, Maryland and Western Pa. (but why look for this swill)

There are a multitude of websites that have "experts" tasting beer and rating them. I will from time to time, post some of these sites here. My rating scale is simple. Bad, Good, ever so often, Very Good,and in some select instances an Awesome rating. I do have my favorites and I will freely state which ones they are. So here we go.......

*Born Brewed and Blessed in Texas*
I am thinking of opening a Micro Brewery / Brew Pub / Restaurant / Live Music Venue in Austin, Texas.I anticipate the cost to acquire the location, build the facilities, hire the right personnel, develop actual brew line, market and set up all of the facilities will cost in the neighborhood of three million dollars. As it stands now I do not anticipate actual production or operation for at least two years.
But what the hell, I plan on using other peoples money anyway. And I am willing to take the right amount of time to insure this idea actually is successful. I know very very little about brewing beer but I am willing to find the right people who do have such experience. I would never let my pride stand in the way to see success. I feel with patience and fortitude we just might make this work.
Right now this idea is mostly in the "joke" stage but to be honest I have mentioned this to several people and every time they actually think it is a good idea.

If my idea was actually to come true, I foresee brewing and marketing our beverages along the I-35 corridor ( San Antonio up to Dallas/Ft. Worth) the Houston metropolitan area and the Corpus Christi / Padre Island area. In that area are three of the top ten largest cities in America. Also several major Universities ( including UT, Texas A & M; Baylor, Rice, UofH, TCU, SMU and Texas State) and several beaches and "spring Break locations". We could have a policy to limit our market area. We would limit our range but reduce our liability. I want the company to be an actual employee/family owned company.( I have two nephews who both unmarried and are in their mid 30's. One lives in the Austin area and the other the Houston area. Each would be great salesmen) Other members of our family would be useful in various capacities in our operation. I have a daughter who has a college degree in Marketing.Her husband has a Master's in Engineering. In addition, there are boy friends and husbands etc. of children and nieces who have accounting degrees and backgrounds and others with construction experience as well as restaurant and food services. I also have a couple of cousins and friends who are attorneys.
We could also market a line of merchandise with our logos ( ie. caps, t shirts, glasses etc.). Also in order to truly be blessed we would establish a policy to establish a charity fund where a percentage of our profits would go to worthwhile charities. I propose that we make a commitment of this policy and, of course a large portion of the contributions would be to the Catholic Church. As a result I feel confident I could find a Priest or Deacon and maybe even a Bishop to bless the brewery once a year. Yes it would be a big event of course. You know like the Blessing of the Fleet etc.
When I say employee/ family owned that is exactly what I mean. I would think each of us could benefit from the profits of the venture. I do not expect to get rich financially from this but who knows.I have to admit to have my family and friends with me would be better anyway.
I also foresee establishing a live music venue. We would be in the "Live Music Capitol of the World".
We could get some really good artists to play on our "back porch". We would have a really nice sound system set up so even when live music was not there, the music would be nice. Who knows, maybe we could make a deal with a local radio station and have a " Live from the Back Porch". We can have open mike nights, karaoke and local talent nights. And of course we can sell the crowds our beers and ales. And we will feed them too.
The restaurant would be food that is meant to make you wanna come back. I anticipate a wide range on the menu. From Gumbo to Enchiladas to BBQ to Hot Dogs.
I foresee an area located on the banks of a local creek with Live Oak and Mesquite trees as shade from the sun and to sway in the gentle Texas evenings. We could have an area for horseshoe and washers and of course an area for some serious "42" games. The restaurant would serve darn good food at a reasonable price and would be set up to compliment the brew pub as well as the "back porch"
We would not "sell" this as a bar but rather a Texas style Brew Pub. Although we would sell other beers and ales than what we make, we would promote our own. We would also sell wine and spirits as well. But the idea is to make this a place where true beer aficionados can experience a remarkable experience. It can be the Mecca of beer nutz. But I do envision each month we feature a brew or brews from other micro breweries from all over the country. Our beers and ales would be crafted to meet the taste buds of our patrons. Because Central Texas has a massive amount of bohemians (Temple is headquarters of SPJST), (Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas, or Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas.)

we would craft a good Pilsner or Czech beer (Pilsner Pivo). We will brew several specialty ales as well as a true Bock beer ( Back Porch Bock) to compete with the Gambrius Company
brewery down in Shiner. And of course a truly original ale (Deacon J Nut Brown Ale). I foresee an aggressive marketing campaign. We could budget a lot of "giveaways" at the beginning. Hopefully this will establish us as the "in" place to be and the brew of choice of Texans. But I still want this to be a place where people can bring their children as well. Most micro breweries have the capability to brew root beer too. I propose one as well (Kid's Cup Root Beer).
Of course this is only my dream now but I thought I would share my dream with you. I have dreamed before with pretty good results so what the hell this just might work too.
Think about it, we would be the only brewery in America that promotes truthfully, that it's product is "Blessed".

Sláinte, The Third

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